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Today's Highlights

2002-02-09 - 10:51 p.m.

I'm hoping I don't go blind on this computer today. I spent a couple hours working on one of my websites and I need to work on it some more before I go to bed tonight.

I actually got tired last night before morning. I went to bed and fell asleep not long afterwards. Unfortunately I only slept a few hours which got me tired again about 6pm. I fell asleep for a few hours and got up about 10pm. I promised my husband I'd sleep tonight and not be up all night. I hope I'm not up all night. It seems like I'm finally back on a more normal sleeping schedule. I think I'll have to scream a couple times if I wind up being up all night and on a messed up schedule again.

My husband and I went shopping with my mother. I'm beginning to wonder about my mother's taste in clothes. Some shirts she picked up thinking I would like them made me wonder. I considered getting a pair of coveralls. I've never had a pair and I always have. Well my mother said "Well you know they have BIG legs in them and they will make you look big." Thanks mom..that's just what I want to hear.

Sometimes I wonder if my mother thinks I'm overweight. My husband says I'm not but some things my mother says makes me think she thinks I am. Mostly with comments that I shouldn't eat this or that. Well today while looking in the store I found a pair of pants I liked. They were black and capri. Well I showed it to my mother and she said "Oohh I don't think you could wear that. It's very tight and small. I know..I have a pair just like them on right now." Was that to say that she thinks I'm fat and she's skinny minnie??

My husband was SO sweet. The only store we went to was women's clothes only. He offered to hold every article of clothing we found and he would smile and say "That's what I'm here for." He gave his opinion on just about all the clothes we each looked at. Our opinions are almost identical in many ways and that really comes in handy.

My mother became a pain again when we were going to go pay for them. She said she wanted to get the clothes for me because she sometimes buys cigarettes for my husband when she finds them at good prices and she said she wanted to "balance it out". In other words she sometimes buys cigarettes for my husband so she buys the outfits I picked out today for me to make it even in how much she has spent on both of us. It confused me a bit too. Anyways....we got up there and one of the pants I got she said she wanted me to try them on before she paid for them. Now..I don't like trying clothes on. Call it either my paranoia about what's really behind those mirrors in the dressing room or of someone walking in. Or perhaps you can call it my not wanting to try pants on when I'm right in the middle of that time of the month. I think that's just too gross especially if they didn't fit and we put them back. Well she went on this little fit saying "Well I won't buy these if you don't do it." I stood my ground and got pissed off. I found out later on she did in fact get the pants. She also then pointed out that even though she bought these clothes to "balance it out", she's taking possession of a few of them until my birthday. Umm..ok..I think.

Anways..watched "Ruthless People" tonight. A couple days ago I looked it up on the web and there was a review by Leonard Maltin on it. He said it was a good movie but his complaint about the movie was that most of these characters were really ruthless. DUH!! Look at the title!! You know I have to wonder sometimes if these critics actually enjoy movies. With how they slam movies sometimes it's as if they hate movies. Maybe they couldn't make it in Hollywood so they want to slam those that have.

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