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101 Ways To Say "You're Fat"

Wednesday, Dec. 08, 2004 - 2:10 a.m.

How is it without saying the words "You're fat" THREE people can make you feel like they were just saying it.

For example..I ask my mom if I'm fat or if she thinks I'm fat. She never says "No" or "of course not". Her response is "You look fine." Okay thanks but that's not the question. You can be fat and still look fine sometimes. I ask again, same answer. Notice a pattern?? I sure do. And when you ask a yes or no question and get an answer that's neither yes or no by definition, that can't be good..especially if that answer is repeated each time.

Now my father. Most of the time he has to check with my mother before he gives an answer to anything. Or if she hears, she'll either answer for him or he will answer, hear her answer and change his. Chicken.

Not to mention he just looooves making comments about how fat other people he knows and sees are. He goes on and on about it. And I'm sitting here like "Well if they are fat..what does that make me??"

Now my sweet hubby..Jeff. I eat about once a day, SOMETIMES more but not often. I've eaten ONCE in the last 30 or so hours. It was about 7 hours ago too. Well guess what..I'm hungry now. One would think that wouldn't be a huge surprise. Well apparently to Jeff it is. I get this "OMG you are huge!!" or the "OMG you're still hungry??!!" or when a look like that usually comes up in a movie or something "You're going to eat THAT??" So let's're supposed to eat 3 meals a day..I've only eaten one meal in 30 hours and Jeff acts like it's my 5th meal and it's not even noon yet. I hate that look. It felt like a knife being dived into my self esteem. I'm already self conscious about my weight and a look and reaction like that just makes me want to be anorexic.

You know it's not like I was asking to go out and get a full course meal at IHOP or something..just a snack or something or a can of soup or chili beans. Is that so bad?? Am I THAT fat?? If I am why don't people just say it. It would hurt yeah but at least then I'd know instead of wondering if people really think I'm fat and just not saying it or if they really don't think I am.


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