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12 Dollars = 0 Gratitude

Thursday, Oct. 06, 2005 - 1:30 a.m.

Why do I constantly keep putting myself out?? I mean every now and then a person should but I feel like I do it constantly with little gratitude being given back. And I mean from just about everyone. Here's a great example:

Today I bought Jeff dinner at McDonald's. I also bought everyone including me a Hershey Pie from BK. Well did he thank me?? Umm not for awhile. I asked him specifically to make sure they put the tiny onions on my doubles. I said repeatedly to ask them to be sure. Did he?? NO. Did they use the big ones?? But of course!!

We then go to BK for the Hershey Pies. I didn't get one for myself. I wanted to save what money I could and I truly have a problem spending money on myself. I just can't seem to do it without feeling guilty later on. Did Jeff offer to buy me a Hershey Pie?? Nope. I asked him for BBQ sauce. Did he ask?? Nope. Then as we were pulling away he asks if I want to run in and get them. Let's see..I paid for his meal and everyone (except me) to have dessert and the entrance to the place is ON his side of the car and he wants ME to go in and get it?? I think not. Plus someone had to hold the food so it didn't fall into the floor. So I'm like fuck it.

Well we get home. Who carries ALL of the food in, including the dessert that I got for EVERYONE except for myself?? You guessed it..ME!! Not long afterwards my parents get home. Anyways...the damn doubles were wrong..I asked Jeff to call McDonald's to complain. I always have to do the complaining and since I paid for the meal and the dessert and he was the one who didn't make sure they were going to do it right..but who calls this time?? As if it's a hard!! Apparently he's too busy putting something together for my mother who doesn't even know it's there yet!! Well gee I wouldn't want to put anyone out..already did everything else why not do this too?? Even though it's not my fault, why be petty??

Well my father doesn't thank me for the Hershey Pie until several hours later when we're playing, my mom sorta thanks me when I give it to her and Jeff thanks me hours later. I didn't really get a sincere thank you from any of them until later and when it was kinda hinted at.

Now here's a great kicker...out of all of many do you think asked if I wanted a bite?? They each have a piece of pie courtesy of me and NOT one of them offered me a single fucking bite!!!!!!!!! I feel so loved. Jeff knew I didn't get a pie for me and he didn't offer me a single bite. Not even a nibble. In fact everyone ate their pies while I was downstairs all alone and pieless. They were all gone by the time I came up.

You know, I don't do nice things to be rewarded and praised all of the time but a little gratitude and such isn't too much to ask for is it??

Well I hope they enjoyed them and are happy...because I feel like a used unappreciated dish rag.

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