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For Every Nice Guy Born..About 10 Assholes Are Also Born

Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003 - 9:00 a.m.

Is my hubby one of the last nice guys left?? I swear sometimes I think the ratio for assholes to nice guys is about 10:1.

I think the line from a tv show says it best. A woman is talking to a friend of hers. The woman's daughter just left her husband for cheating on her. The woman asked her friend why do some guys cheat and her friend said "For the same reason a dog licks himself..because he can!!"

One of my best friends, Stacey, must have an invisible kick me sign on her that only the assholes of the world can see. The last month or so she was talking to a guy that I was thinking might be the one for her. He appeared sincere, caring and honest. Boy was I fooled!!

Yesterday we found out this wonderful guy (note the sarcasm) has a secret girlfriend who not only is he apparently been living with lately but that they are expecting a baby!! How's that for a jaw dropper?? Not only was Stacey talking to this guy, she had met him in person, fallen in love with him, slept with him and thought maybe he was falling for her. He even told me he had feelings for her. Sheesh...and I thought I had a pretty good judgement of character.

I guess I should have seen the signs. He's 20, and sorry to all the guys at about 20 years old or younger who are actually halfway decent..but the maturity hasn't fully arrived yet. This guy dyed his hair a bleach blonde and obviously some leaked into his brain somehow. He was ignoring Stacey a lot right around the time the girlfriend is claiming she got pregnant so gee I can guess we can all guess what HE was doing during that time...spreading his seed. I also can't help but question just how much of what he told her and me was true or bullshit lies to cover his ass. What's sad is that there are so many guys like this who lie, cheat, manipulate, and do whatever they want and think they can get away with it like it's no big deal. Guys like this make me appreciate my hubby even more than I already do.

The girlfriend doesn't appear overly bright. She seems completely disinterested in her boyfriend's extra curricular activities. Never underestimate the power of denial. It appeared she was actually bragging about everything and saying "He's mine now." She reminded me of one of those blond cheerleader types from California. I'm surprised she didn't start saying "He's like totally mine ya know, OKAY?" while chewing a big wad of bubble gum. Oh well..if that's what he wants...good luck to him...or good luck to her..they will both probably need it.

As for Stacey..she's taking this a lot better than I thought she would. I was worried she would get depressed and feel like an idiot for giving him the time of day but she's actually happy. She said she feels she really hasn't lost anything. I guess that means the sex wasn't that memorable. ;))

I'm glad Stacey isn't upset over this. I hate when she's upset or depressed..especially when there isn't jack shit I can do to help. That asshole is not worth getting upset over. There are plenty of good guys out there who don't see and take advantage of her invisible "kick me" sign that other assholes in the past has tried to engrave on her.

As for the guy and his girlfriend..I'm done. I had a conversation with them last night. I was reasonably polite and did my best not to call him the slithering little snake in the grass that he is. I have no real big desire to contact either of them again.

Stacey has gotten a big support group and a lot of them was harassing them last night. I didn't take part in it. It wasn't really worth it considering I had said what I wanted to, I had nothing original to add, and I forgot what the girlfriend's nickname online was and with luck I'll forget the guy's nickname as well. I heard they really laid into them though. I guess this phrase gets more true every day: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

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