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20 Year Old Birthday Cards

Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 - 10:48 p.m.

My mother found some birthday cards I got when I was 5. I didn't even remember any of these. It's like I'm getting them for the first time. Well let me rephrase that. It's more like I'm getting messages from the grave of the people who gave them to me. Only 3 of them are still alive. One is from my father's mother. Others are from my adopted grandmother, her sister, another is from my step-grandmother and the last one is from Gilly and his wife. *rolls eyes*

The messages they write in them are SO sweet. It probably sounds silly but it's helped me feel a bit better getting these cards. It's like they're sending these messages now and they were intentionally put somewhere where my mother would find them and give them to me. These cards make me miss each of them even more and wish they were still alive. Hard to believe these cards are 20 years old.

Here's what some of them wrote:

Love You

(my adopted grandmother)

Honey, we love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

(my adopted grandmother's sister who was like a great aunt)

Love & best wishes always

(My father's mother)

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