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Tis The Season To Be Sick

Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 - 8:14 a.m.

Well Dec21 and I got something for helping my father the other day. His damn cold!! My father has had a cold for days and he's almost better..however Dec21 and I are both in the middle of the cold from hell. I started getting sick the other day and it wasn't that bad. Then later that night I started feeling worse and SO tired. Yesterday I slept off and on all day and probably slept more in that 24 hour period than I've slept in the past week. I think I only got out of bed twice yesterday and one of those times was to go to the bathroom.

As for symptoms, I have a sore throat which is always my least favorite symptom to have with a cold. I also have a runny/stopped up apparently can't decide which to do..stop up or run all over the place. I'm not coughing much which believe it or not is a shock. Usually when I get a cold, I cough so much you would think I was practicing for when I get tired of my lungs and want to cough one of them up. I'm sneezing every so often which just makes my throat feel like I swallowed a knife. My voice alternates between sounding like a tuba and a whisper. Sometimes my throat hurts so much that I can't even talk with a whisper without it hurting. I think I'm going to get some stock in some kind of paper because if my throat and voice keep this up I'll need to write a lot of notes.

Dec21 has a stopped up nose and is in fact coughing so much you'd think he was getting ready to cough up a lung. He had a bit of a sore throat last night. It seems he's not as sick as me. How he managed that I'm not sure. Actually I'm glad he's not that sick. I'd rather be sick than for him to be sick. It saves my nerves if he's not real sick..not to mention I hate seeing him sick or in pain. Ironic huh?? I deal with being sick and having a pain better than I do watching or knowing Dec21 is sick or has a pain. He says he feels the same way that he'd rather be sick or have a pain than for me to. To be honest though right now I wish neither of us was sick.

One of us should probably go to the two minute doctor and I have a feeling I'm the one who should go. I'd rather not go. Her office is 20 minutes away and she has one of the rudest nurses working for her I have ever seen. I try to make a few jokes but all she does is look at me like I just told her she had a great headlights. She's one of these people who say "Hi how are you??" but doesn't wait for a response. I told Dec21 that one of these times I'm going to say "Gassy, how about you??" just to see if she even notices.

My mother believe it or not is sick as well, yet that doesn't stop her from going to work. My mother has only called in to work once I believe in the entire time she's been in her career. That time she took off for her shoulder was the first time I've ever known her to be off more than a week and not try to go in to work. The woman is Super Woman. Hell she even worked the day I was born, she had contractions and her water broke and she kept on working. I don't know whether to be amazed that she did that, shocked that she could do it, or insulted that she took a chance of something going wrong with having me just so she could keep working.

Right now I'm drinking orange juice and wondering when my throat will stop hurting and when my nose will stop producing whatever it is. My mother and father seem to think I caused this 4 way cold from hell. I beg to differ. I had a little stopped up nose about a week ago..I didn't have all these symptoms. My father on the other had the exact same symptoms the rest of us have days ago and now he's almost all let's see..whose fault is this cold?? Yeah sure it was me..yet my father is almost all better and I'm still sick..sure whatever!!

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