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5th Place In A Poker Tournament

2002-02-03 - 8:12 a.m.

I just finished a poker tournament. Well actually I finished it a few minutes ago. 83 people participated and I came in 5th. Yay!! It was online and wasn't for real money but oh well. I got $6,500 in play money for it. I'm starting to get hooked on this poker site that lets you play poker with people all over. My husband and my parents are getting hooked on it too. Last night my mother even asked me to get my father his own nickname so he wouldn't use hers and maybe lose all the money she's won. hehe

I'm wide awake. Funny how doing well in a game will do that to you. I'm debating about whether or not I should try to go to sleep right now. We're going grocery shopping in a little while and going on just a few hours doesn't help my body much. In fact sleeping 2 hours will mess with my head more than not sleeping at all will. My husband fell asleep a couple hours ago.

Hmm, what to do?? I could go play poker some more. There's no one is online to chat with. I could lay down and watch tv or a tape.

For some reason I'm hyper. Not sure if it's the lack of sleep, the poker tournament or I'm just in a good mood all around. Maybe it's a combination.

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