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7 Days With No Entry?? I Have An Excuse

Friday, Nov. 28, 2003 - 8:03 p.m.

Let's see..I wrote an entry this passed Sunday but either Diaryland or the browser decided to screw up so I lost it. I was getting ready for Thanksgiving Monday-Wednesday, not to mention losing a big entry really pissed me off and I was waiting for the right time to try to rewrite it. I was cooking all day first time hosting Thanksgiving and cooking everything. Then today we got up to go to the day after Thanksgiving shopping race. Hey that's what it felt like. Not to mention having to deal with a pain in the ass video store.

So that's my excuses for not writing much this week. It's a quick summary with a more detailed explanation coming later when I'm not feeling like my body is coming apart in various places.

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