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My Aunt Is Coming To Town

2002-02-10 - 6:27 a.m.

Looks like my sleeping schedule is back to being messed up. I could say a few PG-13 rated phrases. A couple R rated ones come to mind as well. But, I'll just sigh quietly and try to get back on track to sleeping nomorally..again.

My aunt whom I had the phone conversation with the other night is coming to town today. It's only for the day and her husband is coming with her. My parents and them are going out to dinner and my husband and I are invited. My husband says it's up to me. I have several reasons for saying yes, and several reasons for saying no.


1) I haven't seen this aunt in a long time. That was partly by my own choosing, partly it wasn't. I don't know her address but I could probably find out if I wanted it bad enough.

2) She is nice and she does try to talk to me like an adult and not some 4 year old who still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I can't say the same for most of my other relatives. She's also one of the few relatives I have that doesn't drive me up a wall everytime I think about them or see them. So many of my relatives has this talent for getting under my skin within seconds of seeing them.

3) I did tell her on the phone that I'd like to see her soon. I think I said that to be nice. She said it to me first and it would have sounded strange if I didn't say it back. Don't get me wrong, I would like to see her. It's just that what I can think to talk about with her won't get us thru the drive to the resturant.

4) My husband and I will have to hide out if we DON'T go to make sure we don't run into her and she asks why we didn't go with them.

5) She IS one of my father's sisters. It would be polite. No matter how long I live she'll always be related to me.


1) This woman IS one of my father's sisters. Yeah, that reason is a pro and a con. I didn't nickname his sisters "The Vultures" for nothing. My father's sisters usually travel in packs it seems. Where's there's one..another one is usually within 20 feet. It's like they are afraid to go anywhere without another one of them. It's like a double, or triple whammy. It's rarely just one of them at a time, it's usually several of them at once. It's scary and they seem to like to come in to where you are, and just stay there for awhile. You can't get away. Every move you make, they watch. Every word you say they look at you like you just spoke in a foreign language or that you didn't finish the question and they are expecting you to say more. They are extremely judgemental. You gain an ounce they're quick to make comments. Your hair is just slightly not perfect they won't hesitate to complain about it.

2) It's been pre-arranged that the resturant of choice will be a chinese resturant. I hate chinese food. My husband hates it too. I've eaten it before and I can stand very small amounts of it. In other words I can eat a couple bites of that chicken thing they make and a fortune cookie and that's about all I can stand.

3) Like all relatives..Q&A 101 begins. That sentence I think explains itself.

4) My parents will want us to ride with in their car to the resturant and my father's driving skills has become a combination of a 15 year old stealing their father's car for the evening, and a 90 year old man. He also insists on going sight seeing while he drives.

So..what to do?? If it wasn't a chinese resturant I'd probably say we should go and make the best of it. If the conversation was getting quiet and I didn't know what to say I could just concentrate on the meal. Part of me wants to see her, I really do but another part of me doesn't. I rarely know what to say to my relatives. Especially in person.

Okay..I've made a decision.

*Drum Roll*

I'm going to let my husband decide.

On a side note. It took me 5 minutes to find the spelling for the word "vulture". I usually have good spelling skills and could spell that word without any problems. I think either my brain is turning to mashed potatoes or the time of morning it is right now is screwing with my brain.

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