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2002-03-14 - 2:00 p.m.

Well my hair still looks horrible. We went in yesterday morning and the manager said she would try to make it look right. She fixed it somewhat. The chainsaw effect that woman put in my hair is fixed. Here's how my hair looks now:

Take out a couple curls and you've got my hair.

While the manager was working on my hair, my husband was standing next to me and that woman came up. In a smile that looked forced she said "Can I watch??" I was like "Get the hell away from me you bitch!! Come near me and you will be in a body cast." I was really nervous while she was standing there. The manager showed her what she did wrong. She also complimented her!! She said "In terms of the haircut, you did it correctly, but you messed up on the length." She didn't do it correctly. It was sticking up and in different lengths on both sides, how is that correct in any way??

When the manager showed her what she SHOULD have done the woman said "Oh, well I've never done that before." NOW you tell me!! The woman insisted she knew what she was doing while cutting it.

Well I made sure this woman knew I wasn't happy with her. I told the manager right in front of the woman how rude she was and the things she said. This woman literally got right into my face and said "I DID NOT SAY THAT!!" Without hesitation I glared at her and said "Oh yes you did say that!! My husband heard you. He heard every word you said to me. You didn't care, you just shrugged and said 'oh well' and went on your way. You didn't give a damn at all and you know it!!"

The woman was still insisting that she was right and that I was wrong. She said that she said she could get it LIKE the picture and it was up to me to decide the length. That's such bull and she knows it. I said "EXACTLY" like the picture. I told the manager and that woman both that when I said "Exactly like the picture" I ASSUMED it was pretty self explanatory. I didn't know I was having a total and complete imbecile do my hair.

The woman then walked away for a minute. I looked at the manager and said "Does she have to be there?? She's making me nervous." The woman then came back and the manager looked at another woman who worked there and said "Get (the woman's name) out of here. Get her out of here NOW!!" That woman had to have heard, if not then I'll be surprised. Then the manager turned to the woman and said "Go and help (the other woman's name) in the back..go on..go on..get out of here."

Well the manager finished my hair and I still don't like it and I miss my long hair. The manager said to come back in 6-8 weeks for another trim. My hair is going to need several more haircuts just so it will grow right. So I figure my hair will get back to the length I had sometime in the year 2004 if I'm lucky.

The woman didn't even apologize. I said to the manager "I guess an apology is too much to ask for." She said that I needed one and that she'd give me a bunch if I wanted. I said it again as she was giving us a refund and she said "Well I think she's just too embarressed to apologize." So what?!?! What the hell does that have to do with it?? That woman needs to learn what working with the public means. Hell just learn some manners woman. If you make a mistake, especially one as big as the one she made you damn well apologize. Well I guess considering the fact she doesn't even think she's in the wrong she feels there's no need to apologize.

I called the manager of the store, the salon is in a store. Well what the hell, I'll say the name of the store. J.C. Penney's. I talked to one of the managers yesterday and she couldn't believe it. She said even if that woman had been in the right she had NO right to talk to me the way she did. She then asked me to call the general manager and tell him which I did this morning. He said he would bring the woman into his office and speak with her, and "give her a little talk on how to treat customers. and do her job." I wish I could be there when he talks to her.

My mother in law and some people online think I should take this woman to court. I want to, believe me I do. Even if I don't win a dime just taking her to court and telling a judge what happened would be enough. I'm still thinking about it. I don't know though. Someone told me last night I should contact "Judge Judy" or "People's Court". That would be kind of cool, I guess. But then I'd have to go on national tv with my hair this way.

I'm really depressed over my hair. It's got me extra sensitive and easily set off. I got in a big fight with my mother last night and I got in a fight with my husband. My hair takes so long to grow and it's going to take forever to get long hair again.


I can't even look at my hair in the mirror without feeling like crying. If anyone thinks I'm overreacting, so be it. It was MY hair that I spent a long time getting long and pretty. Some people have said "We've all had bad haircuts." There's a difference people. I went from long hair to short hair without my permission. Most bad haircuts don't do that. And hearing the phrase "We've all had bad haircuts." isn't my idea of very comforting. It feels like those who are saying it are downplaying it like it's no big deal. It is a big deal. This isn't like a little "boo boo" that will go away in a few days or a couple weeks. This woman cut off nearly a foot of my hair off!! And it's not going to grow right without more trims and haircuts. So I think I have every right to be really upset, depressed and I don't need to hear "we've all had bad haircuts." or "it's just hair, it'll grow back." You people who say that, try spending years growing your hair very long and very pretty, and have your hair be very important to you, just to have some bitch who couldn't find her ass with both hands hack it to pieces to where it's SO short you feel like crying just by looking at it.

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