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A BIG Secret The Vultures Are Trying To Cover Up

Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 - 11:24 p.m.

Okay...I was a bit hesitant to do this but you what?? I'm going to do it hell with what those vultures say or want. My father's vulture sisters didn't want this to get out..and I would NEVER do anything FOR them...but my father didn't want this to get out either but you know..helping to keep this a secret is wrong and just gives the vultures what they want. They are worried about their precious reputations when this really doesn't even concern them. So..sorry vultures..I'm not going to be an accessory to your lies, deceitfulness and help your pride and social standing.

Here father's brother..Rich..the one who is dying..has AIDS. Yep AIDS. The deadliest disease in the world. How we got it no one is really for sure on..yet one of the convinced it's "all of those homosexuals' fault"...that it's a homosexual disease. Yeah sure Dix..that's why Rich has it and he's STRAIGHT!! Uh huh..what's your answer to that one?? Well I shouldn't be too surprised I guess..Dix is EXTREMELY religous.

Perhaps I am wrong to just announce this in my journal but you know..Rich isn't the one wanting to keep this a secret. He's not even expressing any desire to keep it a secret. Hell, he doesn't care who knows. So why should everyone else care?? Well let's see..the vultures who are obviously full of themselves, that they are terrified of it getting out and people looking at them and thinking the worst of them. That's my theory. What else could it be?? It can't be that they are protecting Rich. None of them really give a damn about Rich and the same can be said about him. He never even came to his own parents' all his sisters are worried about him and want do everything for them?? Gee..let's think..could a little will be behind this sudden burst of caring and support??

Loopy is one of the worst. She claims to care SO much about her church and the people in it that she is flat out lying to every one of them about this. She's even lying to her own pastor. Isn't that like a big sin or something?? Dix on the other hand is lying to her own daughter!! She refused to tell her daughter Rich had AIDS so she could trick her into driving her to see him, then the daughter finds out the truth and Dix just flat out lies again!! She says "Oh no..he doesn't have AIDS..the hospital just made a mistake..he's fine." What the hell??

The vultures aren't wanting ANYONE to know besides themselves and my father. They aren't even telling their own damn children..or wanting their spouses to know. Now another way to look at this is that they are ashamed of their own brother by keeping all this a secret. Even if they aren't..lying to everyone and probably going to lie after the man is dead is a huge slap in the face to him. Am I wrong?? Yes Rich has AIDS..yes he is's not a huge thing to be ashamed of..people get AIDS all the's a shitty disease but lying about it isn't going to help anyone!! And what about all those women Rich has slept with over the years?? Rich has had this disease for who knows how long and no doubt probably passed it on to at least one woman if not more. Shouldn't he or the vultures be trying to contact those women and letting them know they need to be tested?? They have a right to know. Making this whole thing a giant cover up is's wrong to keep it from the rest of the family, it's wrong to keep it from the women he's slept with and it's wrong to put reputation and pride ahead of decency and what is right.

And I have to include this little tidbit in. Think about what vultures are. The dictionary has this for a definition:

A person of a rapacious, predatory, or profiteering nature.

Hmmm....sounds an awful lot like my father's sisters huh?? ;))

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