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Blah Blah Blah

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 - 12:38 p.m.

I tried writing an entry last night but diaryland apparently went down while I was writing it so it didn't go thru. Damn it. Oh well all I wrote was how white can be such a pain in the ass color and how I look fat if I wear white. Not exactly an exciting an entry is it??

This sucks..I can't think of anything to write about. Bush is still war hungry, Bin Laden is still on the run, the woman in California is still missing, Al Qaeda is still out to get the U.S., Michael Jackson is still claiming he's not a bad guy, Sadaam Hussein is still an asshole..blah blah blah..haven't we heard all this before??

We seem to be getting snow just about every week. Kids around here haven't had a full week of school since December. I would have loved that as a kid. When I was a kid there would have to be several inches of snow on the ground, roads covered and snow still coming before the county would even consider closing school. Now it seems they don't even need to see snow to cancel school. Last week they let school out 2 and a half hours early just because it was CALLING for snow. That snow didn't appear until that night. When I was a kid, people who make those decisions would have rather gone on live tv naked, to tell us we were going to school whether we liked it or not then let us miss one minute of school over it just CALLING for snow.

I'm ready for Spring. I think I have seen enough Winter and felt enough of the cold to last until next Winter. Dec21's idea of moving to Arizona is looking better with each passing snowflake.

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