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2001-12-13 - 12:32 a.m.

I'm sitting here staring at a computer screen, keyboard within sight, tv playing in the background with a movie in the DVD player that I have seen dozens of times but I still like the movie. In front of me is a dozen half-full soda cans, one cold soda can which I am still currently drinking along with a cup of iced tea. I have a hard time choosing between soda and iced tea to drink sometimes. Even in resturants, it's usually a coin toss what I'll wind up ordering. Even I'm not 100% sure until I'm asked and I've been known to change my mind right after the drink is delivered. Directly in front of me is a tape that unfortunately got destroyed by a posessed VCR which will soon be visiting Reverend Trash Can for a proper burial. The tape is completely destroyed, unplayable. A shame too..I had some good things on that tape. I just spent the last hour officially turning into garbage. I've painted it with nail polish, jabbed it with a pen, and will probably do more before it goes into the trash can for the last time.

Why am I doing this to an innocent tape that's already suffered?? I originally started doing it because I was a little bored, and thought I'd write "Trash" on it with the nail polish. Then I started liking how the nail polish looked on it so I got a few more colors and proceeded to really make a mess.

Now back to my question, why am I doing this?? Is it really boredom or was it a way to take out some hidden frustration that I will never be able to watch this tape again?? Frustration that many have but few admit it exists in them. Eh, I think I was just bored. It's funny the things we do when we're bored. Like for instance, my mother when she gets bored she starts doodling. She doodles on paper, envelopes, I even caught her doodling on a movie box. One of my favorite movies I'd like to add. My husband is behind me and is making paper animals waiting for me to surrender the computer to him. When I was in school and was bored I would play with my white out and write things over and over again in my notebook just for the hell of it.

Boredom can really screw with your head. Amazing huh?? All the things in this world, through the amazing world of technology and we humans still get bored.

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