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A Limerick I Wrote About Buddy The Clintons' Dog

2002-01-03 - 3:45 p.m.

Well, it's kind of a sad day for the Clintons'. Their dog Buddy died yesterday. And maybe this will make me sound sick but I wrote a little poem about it. Please don't think I am being disrespectful. Here it is:

There once was a dog named Buddy.

He ran here and there don't you see??

His master was a couple named Clinton

Buddy was loyal, even when they had their own fun.

And when Hillary was out of the room,

Either doing a charity event or polishing her broom,

Old Billy Bubba got it on with a few others,

Young Buddy watched, knowing he'd be the envy of all his brothers.

As Billy boy proclaimed he didnt have sexual relations,

Buddy knew the full truth of the allegations.

And still stayed loyal and true.

As he stayed, he continued to grow and come running on cue.

Then on a sad day as his masters were away,

He ran into the road they say,

And a car did not see him in time

And quicker than a floor being hit with a dime.

Buddy had died.

The Clintons cried.

The newspapers made sure to announce it.

Leaving many people wondering if the story was legit.

Wondering exactly why,

Yahoo saw fit to make one of it's main stories a dog going bye bye.

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