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Going On A Bus Ride

Monday, Apr. 22, 2002 - 8:25 a.m.

My husband and I rode my father's bus yesterday. He played it cool most of the time and insisting my mother probably got a kick out of us enjoying the ride. Yeah sure dad..who really got a kick out of it??

The ride was was a bit longer than I thought it would be. It seemed like we made zig zags here and there. The bus had a lot of room, a few seats going in one direction, couch like seats facing each other against the wide windows, and if you walk up a couple steps in the back it takes you to more seats. We rode on two seats facing forward. We had been told not long ago that we weren't allowed to "suck face" while on the bus. We followed this rule and held hands, sometimes his arm was around me, other times my arm was thru his, like how you see couples walk into a ballroom or when a woman is walking down the aisle with a man by her side.

My father tried to act professional. My husband put the money in the machine and my father said "Thank you sir." I bet that's the last time my father will ever call my husband sir. My father used to lecture me on using "sir" and "ma'am". It was never enforced and my mother found the concept of calling them "sir" and "ma'am" quite ridiculous.

There was one guy on the bus with us that was in the back. He didn't say anything. I told my husband that any minute now Keanu Reeves will be jumping in the bus and we'll be trying to keep the bus over 50mph. There was a sign on the bus that said "This bus is guranteed to get from 0 to 60mph within 10 minutes." My husband found that and showed it to me, we both thought it was funny.

So how is my father as a bus driver?? Honestly I'd say he does very well. A lot better than I thought he would do which kind of makes me feel that bad I didn't believe he could do it. But in another way it makes me happy that my father can do it and is doing it. He's enjoying it and taking as many shifts as he can. I asked him once how long is it going to be before the newness of it wore off. His answer?? "Never."


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