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Carnations & Headaches

2002-04-01 - 11:59 p.m.

Anyone mind if I cuss this entry out?? I had a very long entry written but I hit the X button and lost it all. Damn it, damn it, damn it. Okay, I'm calm now.

I'm not going to try to rewrite what I wrote. I only remember half of it and it's too long to try to rewrite all of it. Instead I'll just pick up from what I was writing about when I became an idiot for 2 seconds and clicked the X button.

My husband bought me 5 VERY pretty long stem carnations. Two of them are pink, one of them is neon pink, one of them is red and another is bright lime green. They're so pretty. I couldn't believe when he got them. My mother was in line at the grocery store. We were at her house before hand and she was going to the store and we needed to get some things too. Well after we picked up some breadsticks and such, my husband was helping my mother load up her groceries. I was having a headache from hell. The kind that makes you think "Why is my head hurting so much?? Why won't it stop??" Then my husband was saying he needed a dime. I was like "Huh??" My mother smiled and gave him one. I was curious and I walked away for a few when my husband refused to say what he was up to. I walked back and I asked him about the dime and he handed me the carnations. I had thought for a minute I had seen them in front of him while he tried to hide them earlier. It was SO sweet!! I love when he does things like this.

As we were walking out my mother was holding some carnations too and after a few minutes of 20 questions she gives me those flowers too!! I was like "Am I dying?? I'm getting flowers from my husband and my mother on the same day?!?! Kewl!!"

I felt a little uneasy about BOTH of them doing it. I mean I thought maybe one of them would feel a little upset that they both did it. I'm glad they each got them and I love all of the carnations. I was just a little nervous that they would feel self conscious or think I wouldn't like all of them. Does that make sense?? As it turned out I was paranoid about that and neither of them felt that way at all. They also apparently knew the other one was doing it. I guess when I have a headache my people reading skills takes a break. I think this paragraph probably makes me sound stupid but oh well, let it. Sounding stupid in a journal is better than sounding stupid in public which I've also done but oh well.

I have a headache right now. Actually it's my second one today and it sucks. It's right in the front and it feels like someone just sat on my head and got up then sat back down again and again. It's also one of those headaches where it feels like your eyes are twirling inside your head and you're going to pass out even though the pain isn't as bad as it could be.

I've also just broke a bit of a nail but oh well. Maybe I should just cut them all down to about medium length or shorter. It might be easier just to cut all of them off and let them regrow again. Oh I don't know. Do you ever notice how when you lose a bit of length on a nail or it breaks the other nails look SO much longer all of a sudden??

I must be tired or crazy or both, here I just spent the last paragraph talking about a broken nail that no one else would give a damn about but me.

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