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Celebrity Fear Factor

2001-11-27 - 9:11 p.m.

Just watched "Fear Factor" with the celebs. Coolio won. Kelly Preson almost won, her husband John Travolta came for moral support and they look so good together. They act like newlyweds.

You know, the winner got $25,000 for their charity if they lost, $50,000 if they win. That second stunt where they had worms and scoripons pourned onto them, I think I would have just said "I'll Pass." and took the $25,000 and take $25,000 out of my own pocket to equal $50,000. You know the celebrities they had on could afford it. But I guess if they were just going to wimp out they would have went on "Weakest Link" or "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire??"

Who should they get for the next Celebrity Fear Factor?? Will there be another one?? I hope so. Hopefully it will be as good as this one.

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