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Because They Can

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003 - 11:02 p.m.

That is the unofficial reason behind what most people do without actually saying so. It basically translates into "I don't really have a reason that makes any sense or that would count as a reason so I'm just going to say that and sound like a very immature stuck up ass." Sometimes people don't even say it but you know it's what they mean. I truly despise hearing someone say "Because I can." Anytime I hear those words I picture someone shaking their shoulders and acting all snooty like they just got inherited the brain of a valley girl. I expect to hear "I'm so sure." right afterwards.

Two people tonight have had that same attitude without saying the words. Both of them deserve the "I need to be bitch slapped until the person's hand hurts then I need to get bitch slapped for making it hurt." The first is my mother in law. The battle with her will continue until either her or I has killed the other..and then I won't have to worry about her anymore.

Dec21 asked her to tell him why she hates me so much..just tell him that and he won't bring it up anymore. That sounds like a fair deal. He wasn't going to say anything until she decided to say how asking how she thought the visit went was a "game she wasn't going to play" and how she made a resolution to not talk about me or to me. Now that's an original resolution huh?? So much for letting go of the past which is what she swore she was going to do. She made up a bunch of stuff saying I'm controlling, I'm mean..that my fear of flying is bullshit. She also hates it that my parents live 5 minutes from us see us more often than she does at 1000 miles away. Well gee let's do the math here!! What's stopping her from moving her ass here or moving here?? She does nothing where she is now but watch tv, get on the computer and wait for my father in law's money to come to her. Yet she thinks we should make all the effort in seeing hell with if we have the time or money to do it whenever she wants.

My mother in law's reasons were all bullshit mostly because they were untrue, and Dec21 knew better. She made herself out to be this wonderful erson who is always nice and never appreciated. Yeah sure..does she call mean comments and ignoring me nice?!?! Not to mention she started hating me before she even met me in person so we KNEW that was bullshit. She said I needed "to grow up and realize the world isn't all nice." Well gee woman I knew that YEARS ago. Dec21 said if I didn't know that before I realized it when I met her. I'm almost surprised she didn't come out and say "Because I can ok??" I've done everything but give that woman a sponge bath and it still doesn't please her. I played by her rules..talking more..kissing ass..not taking her comments AS literal as I'm sure she means them and yet it still isn't good enough. Everything she accuses me of is exactly what SHE is doing. If I was SO determined to keep Dec21 from his family which she insists I'm doing, then why do visits still happen and I don't object to him seeing his family when they are in the area. Why was I willing to go thru hell for 5 days over Christmas just so Dec21 could see his family?? Oh I guess that doesn't count in her eyes. My mistake..I temporarily forgot that any good I do doesn't count.

So basically my mother in law wants either dec21 and me to keep allowing her to treat me like some bug she tries to squish with her shoe or for dec21 to leave me. Well gee woman I don't see any of those happening. Dec21 wants to just ignore her as much as possible and to keep any conversations she initiates kept to a minimum. Sounds like a plan to me..although personally I'd like to add a "FUCK YOU BITCH" to my opinions on this. Not like it would do any good on the old cry baby hag but it makes me feel better.

The next person is also a female. I don't know this person but my good friend, Stacey does. This girl is about 1-2 months pregnant. Okay so far I already hate her because she's pregnant and I'm not yet. ;)) Anyways she's bleeding and refuses to go to the hospital..why?? Because the almighty dollar is higher up on her priorities list. This woman obviously has no idea what it is like to be pregnant. Some idiot told her that it's normal to have periods up until the 6th month. Excuse me?!?! By whose defintion?? The Idiots Of The World Committee??

I would do almost anything to have another chance to have my daughter. This woman has a chance and yet she refuses to go to the hospital. She's worried about medical bills..well woman..then I think you spread your legs one time too many if you're worried about that. Jeez..some people don't deserve to be a mother and this woman puts money ahead of her own child belongs in the Darwin Awards if you ask me.

Stacey almost went off on her and I find myself wanting to as well. I don't care if Dec21 and I was in debt the rest of our lives with medical bills..if it would bring our daughter back I'd say "Okay start sending the bills." We'd find a way to pay it. This woman says she'll call planned parenthood tomorrow. Yeah sure woman..why call tomorrow..why don't you just buy some baby clothes and keep going on the delusion you're still having a problem free pregnancy and that you're doing EVERYTHING right!! She even was more concerned that Stacey was upset with her than she was about her own child. This woman sounds SO self involved. This is a perfect example of why I think people should have to be licensed before allowed to have children. Maybe I should arrange an introduction between this girl and Skinny Minnie. They'd become best friends in a matter of minutes with how much they have in common. Then hopefully Stacey, nor I would have to put up with them and their stupid self centered personalities.

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