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My Father..The Diet Pill Junkie

Sunday, May. 18, 2003 - 1:06 a.m.

Well the last couple weeks I haven't written or read much of other people's journals. Yes I know I'm a lazy, pain in the ass. Oh well no one is perfect. I tried writing last night but Diaryland had their *talk thru the nose voice* "Sorry you can't write right now, please try again later. If you'd like to leave a message for a gold membership so this doesn't happen again, go right ahead after the beep." But anyways here I am and again I'm going to promise to write more. It seems I get going for awhile with writing all the time then go for a few days and don't write. Let's see if I can keep my word on that this time.

Let's see..I'm not really sick anymore. Well yeah I am sick in the head but that's been going on for so long, it's hardly worth mentioning. Dec21 and I are still coughing a bit. Other than that we're finally better. The word "finally" should be in big neon letters since it took so long to get better.

My father is still on those damn diet pills. He says he just takes them "every now and then". I pushed for an explanation on the "every now and then" and found out he means "usually JUST once every day". Oh yeah I can see how's that every now and then. NOT!! I see every now and then as once a week or once a month. Once a day is a habit, an addiction, a daily event. And what's with the "usually". What does he do?? Pop them in his mouth like they are breath mints or M&M's??

Alas, no one will listen to me when I get upset and say he should stop taking them. I get told I'm either "worrying too much", "can't do anything to stop him" or "they haven't killed him yet". Comforting huh?? Not to mention he's been on them for 3 years and they did damage to his heart awhile back, which he has to take pills for every day. So, when is a good time to worry?? Should I just wait until my father is lying in a coffin and tell everyone "SEE I WAS RIGHT!!"??

Okay I'm calming down now. I just had to get that out. Since my mother won't listen and thinks it's no big deal (hell, she's even helping him keep it a secret from everyone, including his doctors.) and Dec21 thinks there's nothing I can do so I should stop worrying.

Two of my father's sisters (the vultures and wolves I like to call them, since they come at you like a vulture and travel in packs like wolves) came to visit last week and I was told not to mention the diet pills. Umm okay so it's no big deal that he takes diet pills but no one can be told he's doing it. Yeah that makes sense. I didn't have a problem really keeping it a secret in front of them, but I did almost gag when my father went on grinning and gloating about all the weight he had lost, showing off and saying he did it by watching what he ate and exercising.

*rolls eyes*

I said it once and I'll say it again..maybe I'm adopted!!

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