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My Father The Sexist Pig

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 - 12:09 a.m.

My father is now a sexist pig as well as a racist jack ass, a neglectful father and an all around jerk.

The other night I get bitched at for...get this..teasing him while he was playing basektball with his friends and saying he sucked. Now he told me not to ever do that again and I almost gag on my drink. EXCUSE ME??!! Then I'm like "Oh I get it, he doesn't think it looks good his daughter saying he sucks at basketball when he's a ref. Oh okay, you overly sensitive jerk."

Anyways..I ask him what about it bothers him exactly. I was kinda curious His exact words were "A woman does not go around saying that in front of a bunch of guys." Excuse me?? Saying what exactly?? To which he replied the "sucks" is what bothered him. Because it implies he sucks dick!! WHAT?!!??!!?!? Has he lost his fucking mind?!?!?! He throws a basketball and misses the basket and I say he sucks and he takes that to mean I am telling his friends that he sucks dick?!!?!? He actually thinks that!! Not kidding!!

So I am like WHAT??!?! I have serious doubts any of those ass kissing little buddies of his thought that. I don't think it even crossed their minds!! Later on my father kept on saying when I asked about it that a woman does not go saying that to a bunch of guys. So I asked him what if Jeff had said it or another guy, would that have bothered him. He finally admitted after some prodding that no it wouldn't have. Just that I, a WOMAN said it!!! Call me crazy but isn't that sexist?!?!?!

What I find really insulting is the fact that a couple years ago a friend of his needed help with his computer so Jeff and I helped him and the son of a bitch then starts drooling over porn right in front of me!!! Now how would you feel if some alleged friend of yours was staring and drooling over porn right in front of YOUR daughter?!?!!?! My father never said ONE word to him about it. But yet I go and try to play around with and get some kind of relationship with my father and I'm branded the rude crude daughter from hell?!?!?

How the fuck does that make any sense?!?!?!?

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