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My Father Returns To The Shit List

Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003 - 12:25 p.m.

My father is officially on my shit list again. As if that's a shock, my father owns a time share on that list. The other day we go over there and I am trying to eat dinner and he constantly asks questions about the computer. Questions we had already answered about 20,000 times. He starts clicking buttons at random and asking what every little thing means.

If that wasn't bad enough he kept going to a site, that apparently has either moved or the time on the domain had expired. Well it says a bunch of stuff a site like that would "Start your site today" and "replace index.html with your own url". My father insists that the website is actually TALKING TO HIM!! He thinks that he all of a sudden now has a website and he wants us to tell him how to access it. He has thought this numerous times before and we have explained to him exactly what it means. He's been online for six and a half years..can you tell?? I sure can't.

But continues!! Now I was averaging about 2 chicken nuggets per time he was calling me over there asking stupid questions. Apparently my father all of a sudden forgot how to write a damn e-mail. OVER 6 years online of surfing the web and sending e-mails and he's suddenly FORGOT!! We had to even tell him to click the "compose" button. Not to mention when he writes e-mails he doesn't type..he pushes one key at a time verrrry slowly. Also, even though we have explained this numerous times..he didn't understand why if you send an e-mail while on one isp, and using yahoo mail, why the e-mail wouldn't go thru his OTHER isp he used to have that wasn't even hooked up!! It took 10 minutes to explain that to him. He also couldn't understand why when he wrote e-mail from yahoo mail didn't it just claim it came from isp. ANOTHER THING WE HAVE EXPLAINED NUMEROUS TIMES!!!! >

If that wasn't bad enough, he decided to blame ME because the e-mail address of the person he wanted to send the e-mail to wasn't put in right. He put it in!! NOT ME!! Then he tries to send it again and again..finally on the 3rd try gets the e-mail address right. I set up the e-mail so all he'd have to do is fix the e-mail address and I said "Now put it in the right address.", but yet he blames me saying I didn't type it right. I never typed it to begin with. I didn't have the address!! How is it MY fault?!?!

Has my father just lost every brain cell he ever had?!?!?! Dec21 and I have repeatedly said he needs to take a class or something in this, but he won't. We vented to my mother how this is getting out of hand. My father can't do the simplest things online without being told 20 times how to do it. My mother said "Just teach him." We have!! It doesn't work, he forgets it all 2 minutes later. Not to mention, my mother doesn't help him..I guess she just expects us to do it all.

But hey it's not over yet. Yesterday we went over to my parents' house. My mother KNEW we were coming. Did she tell him we were coming?? Apparently not because when we got there my father had completely blocked the driveway with the cars so we couldn't get in. So what do we do?? We have to park at a nearby quick shop and walk over in the hot sun to their house. My father who was mowing the yard, sees us and starts grinning. That really pissed me off. I wanted to tell him to stop smiling or I was going to be knocking him off that lawn mower.

On the way to the door he says "I'll be done in a few minutes and you can move all these cars back." EXCUSE ME?!?!?! He blocks the driveway, has us park and walk over to his house then tells us to move his cars back when he's done?? Note he did not ask, just ordered. I DO NOT THINK SO!! I yelled a response back, unsure if he heard it and said "Dream on, move your own damn cars." We vented to my mother about this. Whose side do you think she was on?? Right..HIS!! She said we were overreacting and considering ALLLLLL he's done for us we should. Like Dec21 has said..except for having a hand in my existance, what has he done?? Oh yeah...he's yelled at me, smacked me quite a few times in an attempt to "make me tough", barked orders and basically pretend I don't exist 90% of the time. How could I forget?? Of course he's done SOOO much for me. Wow I am such a bad daughter to forget all that. Please note the sarcasm.

My mother said "Don't worry, I will do it because I feel he's done a lot for me." She kept making comments about that, basically saying how ungrateful we are and how my father has done SOOO much for us. Yeah mom just keep living in denial, maybe we'll visit you sometime if reality gets boring.

Why should I be surprised?? I mean really..shouldn't I know better after 24 years??

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