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A Damn Hockey Game

Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004 - 12:31 a.m.


I swear you just can't win with your parents. Even if you do they never really acknowledge it. Today was definitely a day where no matter what I didn't win.

My mother LOVES ice hockey. I have no idea offense to any hockey players or fans but I find the game rather boring. Not to mention the games I have gone to in person, they would play 20 minutes, take a break for 30, play 20 minutes, take a break for 30. No halftime entertainment..just sitting there, freezing and watching them clean the ice. Oh yeah..that's fun. To be honest watching my mother get into the game is more entertaining than the actual game. She likes to stand up, yell and cheer and basically act like someone who needs to switch to decaf.

Anyways..she's been trying to get Dec21 and I to go to a game for ages. I've been to several for her and the best part was her buying a hockey puck during half time. Well she said it could be a Christmas present. Ummm excuse me but we spent over 100 dollars on her and my father for Christmas. I told her this and she said "Yeah spoiled me with giving me so much and doing so have to do this." Now that either sounds ungrateful to me, that the rest didn't matter or she's just trying to use guilt. Either way I didn't like it much.

Finally Dec21 and I said we'd go to ONE. Neither of us said for sure when. All we did was say we'd go to one. We found several dates that the team she wanted to see was playing. Well she kept saying don't get my hopes up if you aren't going. We said not to worry, we would go. Images of making sure to take the gameboy were dancing in my head and I'm willing to bet in Dec21's as well.

Last night she says we're going today (Saturday). Nope, didn't ask if that was okay, didn't ask our opinions or anything. She just ANNOUNCED that Saturday was the day we were going. So Saturday (today) comes and Dec21 didn't sleep much in the passed 24 hours and my father's driving (and he would probably be the one driving) makes Dec21 and me nervous. I also wasn't too keen on the idea of being out late at night with all the drunks on a Saturday night. And you KNOW they would be out.

Well she calls and she keeps saying that we're going at this time. She didn't even ask our opinion on the time to go. She made up this whole plan of events without so much as asking what we thought. Here was the plan. The plan was to leave at 4, go out to eat, get to where they were playing, get tickets, sit for an hour waiting for the game to start, sit there for about 3 hours, then come home. Basically the whole thing would take about 7 hours. LOADS of fun huh??

While talking on the phone she keeps saying if we're not going to let her know so she doesn't spend ALL day getting excited and then we not go. Sounds nice doesn't it?? Like she was giving us an out?!?! WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She decides to hang up the phone, leave the house and go out for awhile while turning her cellphone off. You have to wonder if it was planned that way. My father was off who knows where and wasn't answering his cellphone either (which is very rare).

I leave a message on her voice mail saying to call when she gets a chance. After waiting a little while Dec21 calls and says we're not going but we would definitely go another time when we could ALL agree on a day. She calls back at almost 3:30pm all pissed off that we aren't going. She's mad that Dec21 didn't sleep much and says he has plenty of time he can sleep later. She says we led her on ALL week, saw how excited she got and let her down. She then goes on to say that if we don't go she won't ever do anything for us or with us ever again. She keeps saying this over and over again that she does SOOOOO much for us..that we let her down EVERY time and that she never breaks her word.

For the record..she does do a lot for us..but we do a lot for her too. If it wasn't for us her computer wouldn't be working at all anymore and most of the improvements she's made on her house would either not be done or she would have had to spend a fortune to get someone else to come in and do it. We don't ALWAYS let her down. Granted a couple times we've backed out of has she. I almost laughed when she said she never backs out and she always keeps her word. What a bunch of shit!!! I asked her to name 3 times that we let her down. She wouldn't even name one.

I told her she was acting like a spoiled immature child who is saying "play MY way RIGHT NOW or I'm taking my toys and going home and will never play with you again." Of course she didn't see it that way. I asked her a hypothetical..asking if it was the other way around. She said it wasn't the same thing. Of course it's not..otherwise she'd have to admit maybe I had a point.

I told her if she's being let down she did it to herself. We told her we WOULD go. We never promised it would be today. We never even implied it!! I told her she can't just order us to drop everything and do what she wants or else she's going to be mad at us for life. I was quite proud of myself. I stood up to her without getting downright mean. She refused to listen to reason. She kept saying we were wrong..we let her down..we owe her this..blah blah blah. I finally asked her if she was calling me a liar. She said (then said she didn't say this) that I don't mean to be but it does happen. Gee thanks mom!!

We get off the phone and she calls back a little while later. She said she's been doing some thinking and she's sorry...she was being a bit silly. She said she shouldn't be depending on us to entertain her and if we say no she should let it go and ask someone else and not DEMAND we go. Okay..umm what was that?? That doesn't sound like my mother. Okay yeah it does..she usually does apologize after being mean but she doesn't say EVERYTHING she did wrong. I doubt my father could have gotten to her and stuck up for us. That would require an act of God AND an act of Congress at the same time. However he was a LOT more understanding than I thought he would be. I was fully expecting him to bitch at us and tell us to go because my mother wants it so badly.

Anyways my mother is being all sweet and nice now. She and my father went to the hockey game and to dinner and from what I heard..they didn't have that good a time. I told her we would go sometime...and even though I hate hockey games I would go for Dec21 has never seen one in person. However I do feel a bit guilty now. I know we're in the right but the way she was just being so sweet afterwards made me feel guilty. One thing though that I thought up earlier. Dec21's mother has done this. In the past we have told her we were thinking of visiting sometime..she takes it to mean on a day of her choosing without saying so then gets all mad and bitches because we don't show up. I've told my mother about this countless times. She always says "Ugh!! Doesn't she know what MAYBE means??" I find that quite laughable and hypocritical at the same time. Someone should remind her of that.

Are we in the wrong?? My parents constantly act like they own us and we owe them whatever they want, when they want and how they want it. I love my parents but they drive me SO crazy sometimes I just want to scream!!

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