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Daniel Pearl

2002-02-21 - 8:39 p.m.

Isn't it ironic how a person's death can affect you so much when you don't even know the person. Just about every source in the world is saying Daniel Pearl is dead. I don't want to believe it and there's a part of me that doesn't. For weeks I've held onto the illusion that this would be resolved in a typical hollywood ending. Daniel Pearl's death has upset and depressed me.

I really thought Daniel Pearl would be found and have a celebrated reunion with his wife. Why did those people have to kill him?? He was harmless. He wasn't some big time government official. He was a reporter who loved his job, loved his wife and was about to become a father.

I keep thinking about Daniel Pearl's wife and child. Why did he go out there?? He shouldn't have even gone there. Especially under the circumstances. Did those bastards who kidnap him stop to think of them?? Daniel Pearl became excess baggage to them, an annoyance that needed to be taken care of. Why didn't they just turn him loose?? Did they really think that by killing Pearl that it would protect them against the law??

As of yet they haven't found Pearl's body and that's given me a little hope that he alive. Yes I know it's probably stupid to hope that Pearl is alive, but I'm going to anyways. I've heard they have a tape showing Pearl be killed. If that video is legit I think those people saw "Scream" one too many times.

Am I the only one who still believes Pearl might still be alive?? A majority of me belives Pearl is in fact dead but I don't want to give up hope. I keep thinking about how I would be Pearl was actually my husband. I would be a wreck and crying all the time. I would keep believing he was alive until his body was found and sent to me and I identified it. Even then I wouldn't want to believe it.

Nothing was gained by Pearl's death. It was just a reminder of how bad some people are in this world and how some things just don't make sense. My husband tried to comfort me in saying that at least the guys responsible for Pearl's death are caught and will be punished. It's of some comfort won't bring Pearl back. Don't think I'm against capital punishment, I'm for it. In government class my teacher showed us real executions on tape. We watched people get executed by the electric chair, lethal injection, beheading and the gas chamber. Seeing that strengthened my beief in capital punishment.

I'm also having these thoughts of wondering what's happened to the world. Why is the world turning into such a scary place?? Maybe it was always like this but I was too naive in my little corner of the world to bother finding out.

Take care Daniel Pearl..wherever you are.

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