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Days Of The Week

2001-12-06 - 3:53 p.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Think about those days. If you get married, it will definitly be on one of those days. You were born on one of those days. And some day you will die on one of those days. It seems kind of strange to think that everything that happens to a person in their life happens on only 1 of 7 days. I was thinking about that the last few minutes and it seems kind of strange to think about it like that. Like today for instance, it's many things are going to happen to me on a Thursday?? How many more Thursdays am I to see?? Is it just me or do the days of the week sort of have personalities of their own?? Monday is always the day people dread most of the time. It's either the beginning of a work week or a school week and the end of a weekend. Tuesday is usually the day where people are just settling into their week and having a pretty good idea how their week is going to go. Wednesday is the halfway mark. You've gone to work or school 2 days, and you've got 2 more days left. That's how I used to think about it when I was in school. Thursday is the day where it kind of feels like the week is almost over and it seems kind of weird when you think about it. Friday is usually the last day of the week, no more soap operas for 2 days, no school for 2 days, sometimes no work for 2 days. You'll have to hear about some big game over the weekend before you can watch "Price Is Right" again. Saturday is usually the fun day, you can sleep, watch tv, go out, party, and just enjoy the day. Sunday is usually the rest day. You may go to church, you may sleep until noon, either way, usually you aren't doing much.

For me Sundays usually meant catching up on homework I had postponed all weekend and trying to do the homework and watch my favorite shows at the same time and hope that I could do a good job on the homework and not miss anything big in the show.

Who decided that Saturday and Sunday was a weekend?? I know that God chose Sunday to rest, but how did Saturday get picked?? Who chose for it to only be 7 days in a week?? If it was chosen because God worked 6 days and rested on the 7th, then why does Saturday count as a day off to some places??

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