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2001-12-19 - 9:53 p.m.

Last night I filled out a form on diaryreviews to get this journal reviewed by them. I've checked their site a few times to see if they've reviewed it yet. So far, not yet. I've wondered a few times since I submitted that form if it was a good idea doing it. I mean, I didn't start writing this journal for everyone's attention and approval. In fact, I don't really care if anyone on here approves of what I write on here. As I've said before, this is MY journal, not everyone else's.

In one spot on the form it asks for your name. I considered closing the form and not submitting it when I read that. Instead I just said that I don't reveal my name. If that stops my journal from being reviewed, well so be it. My life will still go on if they refuse to review it because I won't tell them my name, which in my opinion shouldn't really matter. But if it does, that's their choice. I won't be upset with them. I have a good reason for not revealing my identity. As I've stated before, and will probably state a few more times, I feel that you can't really be completely honest in a journal, if everyone you know is reading it.

I am curious what kind of review they will give my journal. I like my journal, I like how I've designed it and what I've written in it. Shouldn't I be the only one where it does matter?? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that diaryreviews is a bad thing, far from it. I think it's a good idea of theirs. I'm just saying that if what I like in my journal isn't what they like, that's their choice, same as the words I write, and the way I choose to design this journal is my choice.

No doubt this entry will probably be one of the ones they read. I wonder if some people who submitted their journals tried to kiss up in their entries for the judges. So many journals I have seen seem to be more interested in pleasing the readers than using the journal for what it's supposed to be there for. If I wanted to put together something online just to please others, I would build a website. I often wonder just how sincere a journal can be if in the back of your mind, you're thinking that several people you know, are going to be reading it, and probably judging it and you in their minds??

If this journal entry lowers my score, okay, no problem. I'll pick up the pieces, move on with my life, and find a support group. hehe

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