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Let's Get Physical

Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 - 12:00 a.m.

Well I almost made the deadline to have this entry at least started before midnight. But as dec21 always says, almost only counts in horse shoes, hand grenades and nuclear weapons.

Anyways today was a tiring day, both emotionally and physically. I talked to my mother today and last night (Tuesday night) came up again. I got told AGAIN how it's my fault that she makes comments that make me feel bad about my weight because I compliment her that she is losing weight and looks good. She says she hates when people say things like that. And if you can believe this, she alleged that she made the comments she did because she thought they would make me feel better. Excuse me while I say "HUH!?!!?!" Where the hell did that logic come from?? Did she just put it out of thin air or something?? Anyways there was an agreement made that I'm not allowed to compliment her about losing weight or say she looks good. Umm....would I be crazy to say that makes NO sense whatsoever??!!

My mother, dec21 and me went to my father's rec center. My mother was already a member and dec21 and I became members and I have to say I LOVE the place. Granted I won't be spending 3-4 hours a day there like SOME people I know but I would like to go a few times a week. Dec21 enjoyed it too. We were basically sampling all the equipment to see what we liked. We were there about an hour and I didn't feel tired at the time but I sure felt it later on.

I felt like I was being treated by a kid who didn't know anything. My mother kept coming up to everything I got on and was being motherly and saying "don't go too fast" or "don't do too much." Now call me crazy but I'm 23 years old..I think I know not to go too fast or do too much at once. If that wasn't bad enough she came over and was showing me how each thing on the equipment worked and what to do. She also kept saying how I couldn't be able to do this or that and said how Dec21 will always be stronger than me. Okay that's a sexist comment in my opinion. After a little while I went for a walk on the track and wouldn't you know it?? She followed me out there to walk with me!! Now I love my mother and I don't have any problems with her wanting to work out with us if she wants to but I'm not 2 years old!! I don't need to be told a million things and followed around and supervised by my mommy!!

One of the scales they had there was way off but it was off in a good way. It said I weigh about 40-50 pounds less than what I do. Hey that's fine with me. I'll have one of those scales sent to my home address!!

I haven't really exercised a whole lot in awhile so I came a bit unprepared. How unprepared?? Well let's see..I was going to wear boots but was told I should wear tennis shoes, and I wore skin tight black pants and a multi colored sweater and I left my hair down. So basically I looked like a turkey with tennis shoes on in a gym. I didn't wear socks which I soon regretted. I got a nice blister on my heel that doesn't hurt now but damn it hurt earlier.

Why is it you get blisters that hurt the most when you have to walk a lot?? That rec center is HUGE so of course I had to walk a bit to get outside and naturally the car was parked at the end of the parking lot!! However dec21 got the car and picked me up at the door. He's so sweet. He's already talking about wanting to go back to the rec center and says we should go an hour every day. Uh oh..did I create a monster or an exercise clone of my father?!?!

We went to my parents' house for a little while. I had thought about getting dinner at McDonald's then I realized whatever calories I burned at the rec center would be added with interest if I ate anything from McDonald's. We came home about 5 something and I was asleep within an hour and woke up just over an hour ago which means I'll either be up all night or..I'll be up all night. *Sighs* Great.

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