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An Entry Two Weeks In The Making

Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 - 10:26 p.m.

Sixteen days without an entry..hmmm..that sucks. I seriously need to get motivated. It's not that I'm bored with writing, or I don't have anything to write about. Quite the opposite on both counts. It's just that we've been busy and whenever I can think to write, something else happens or I don't know how to start an entry or what all to put into it. I was also worried about writing an entry and not having the same wonderful content and details I'm so famous for. *rolls eyes* Okay the self serving hogwash is over.

From now on, I'm just going to write an entry whenever possible and not worry about petty details that I'm probably the only one who will worry about. For this entry I'm just going to put a little of everything in. This will probably be a long entry and if I don't get bored while writing it I'll probably post it. That is if the computer doesn't decide to turn on me and freeze up, which it would do.

I guess I should start with what all has been happening in the last (*sighs* oh I can't believe I went this long without writing) 16 days. Let's see..I slept..quite shitty I'd like to add. I'm back to 2 hour shifts. Goody goody..I have no idea how much sleep I'm getting per day. Somewhere between 2-10. That's beyond pathetic.

My father's bulge is still going to stay forever. Lately he's been taking sleeping pills to sleep. Great just great. First he gets on diet pills and is still on them, now he's on sleeping pills and appears to be getting hooked on them. He can't sleep without them and has been on them for awhile. What next?? He's going to start drinking and trade his car in for a sportscar while wearing a toupee??

My mother is working full time and her shoulder has it's good days and bad days. Sometimes it hurts, other times she could be on the Olympic team for gymnastics. Well probably not, she doesn't exactly have the anorexic figure for it.

Dec21 is counting down the days until the new Harry Potter book is released. I have a feeling we'll be at the bookstore at 12:01am on June 21 to get it. Oh well, I'm not going to complain. I dragged him out to Wal-Mart at midnight the day Titanic came out on video. He's also been writing stories on a website that lets you write just about any kind of story you want and they'll post it on their site and he's been getting a lot of compliments as well. For some unknown reason, probably temporary insanity, I also signed up on the site and am working on stories to put up there. I've just put up part of one so far that I started and it's gotten some compliments as well. So far so good. I know any day now I'll get an e-mail from someone saying they read something I wrote and it was the worse thing they ever read. Oh well if they do I'll just look up some transcripts of SADAMN INSANE's (yes I know that's not his real name) speeches and send them for their reading pleasure. Oh wait, that would just give them a few good laughs..never mind.

My birthday is coming up in less than a month. I'll be 24 and for the first time I'm actually dreading turning a new age. I haven't gotten used to saying I'm 23. Sometimes I still think I'm 22. How did I get to be almost 24?? Maybe I really just fell into a time machine and zipped pass a few years. Yeah I think I missed the years from 1-5. Those years are kind of a blur anyways. Now I'm sure some people are thinking I'm overreacting about turning 24 but oh well. Twenty four isn't just a number. I'll no longer be able to say "early 20's". I'll have to say "mid 20's", then "late 20's", then "30's", and so on and so on and then soon I'll just be asking for senior citizen discounts wherever we go. I think the thing that bugs me so much about it, and I'm sure this will roll a few that I always thought I'd have a baby before I was 24. It annoys me that every female I can think of had a baby before 24. It also makes me worry that the longer we wait until JUST the right time, the less likely it'll happen. My uterus only has a certain time on it's warranty. However Dec21 and I have been talking about babies a lot more often and we're about 99% set on a time to start trying for another baby. I'm not going to mention it yet because I just know if I do something will happen. Last time we decided to start trying in fall of 2000, and wouldn't you know?? I got pregnant in early 2000 and was due IN the fall of 2000!! Wait a second..maybe I should mention it now so I can get pregnant real soon and then be due at that time. Hey it worked once. ;)) Seriously though we have set on an approximate time and it's as close to definite as you can get without being definite. And let's just say, with luck it'll be a hell of a lot closer to sooner than later. Finding out from my doctor that I CAN carry a baby to term while still on paxil really helped. I was worried I'd have to wait until I got off the paxil and who knows when that will be and I'm REALLY not in the mood to have to wait and find out before having a baby.

Okay I was going to make this one very long entry but I just thought of so much to say about the war in Iraq, I have to make it another entry for it.

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