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Tuesday, May. 14, 2002 - 9:23 p.m.

From midnight last night until almost 2:30pm today I didn't eat or drink anything. My doctor yesterday wanted me to go to the hospital, have some blood drawn to confirm that I have an anxiety disorder. It's amazing how when you choose not to eat it doesn't get to you so much. The time doesn't drag on and you don't find yourself wondering just when you're going to eat. All kinds of snacks and cold drinks don't just glare at you as they do when you're having to fast.

I didn't think the fast would be a big deal. I don't eat that much anyways. Although I usually eat snacks and drink sodas during the night. The smart thing to do last night would probably have been to eat a big snack and drink a can of soda or something just before midnight. Well I didn't do that. The last thing I ate was a late lunch and the last thing I drank was at 11 something. Then next time I looked at the clock and thought about getting something to eat or drink it was about 12:30am. Damn it.

The strongest craving I had was for a box of nerds that just happened to be placed on the computer desk. They were placed in a way that I know was to make me want them. They may have even been looking at me but I doubt it. Nerds aren't that smart, not to mention they were in a box where they couldn't see me. And the biggest reason I know they weren't looking at me, THEY AREN'T REAL!!

I woke up about 9am. The appointment was for any day this week at any time. I was feeling sick and I was hungry. But I wanted to watch tv and my husband was still asleep. So after watching 2 episodes of "ER" on TNT I went back to sleep. We both got up a little while later and it was about 12:30. We considered waiting until tomorrow but I wasn't sure I could handle another fast so soon. Nor was I really up to trying.

So just before 1pm we're in the car heading to the hospital to get blood drawn. Typical that the hospital would be in the same town (not the one we live in) as the doctor. By the time we're almost there, my husband realized we forgot the forms to give to the people who draw the blood. So we turn around and head back, then start again. I was getting a pretty good idea what all the cows looked like that we passed each time.

We go into the hospital. Now this hospital cost millions to build and in my opinion it looks more like a hotel. It has a waterfall outside, a piano in the lobby and a fountain as well. Now I ask you, just what is a piano doing inside of a hospital lobby?? You're supposed to be quiet in a hospital, nobody plays the piano there, why have it?? There are about 20 entrances to the place. There are fancy signs everywhere and parking for every department. The place seriously does not look like a hospital. It looks more like a resort or a university.

Now since I haven't had blood drawn in..let's see..2 years, I wasn't sure if you paid or what. Well I asked the woman at the desk how much it was. She was like "Umm about 5 minutes." Then she told me to hang on then another woman came up and she started figuring it up on a piece of paper. It was coming to over 100 dollars. I was like "HUH?!?!?" We have insurance it shouldn't cost that much!! I then said "We pay that today??" She said "No no..that's how much your insurance don't pay anything today." *Sighs* It's so hard to find people at a place that lacks common sense but whom you have to rely on in some way.

I sat down next to my husband. There was a fish tank near us. If I didn't know people who worked at this hospital I'd have to really wonder whether or not this was really a hospital or movie set. I looked at the tv. Wouldn't you know it..I watch 2 soaps at 1pm, (All My Children & Days Of Our Lives) and the tv was on "Young & The Restless". I actually started getting interested in it, even though one of the character basically said the same lines several times. As soon as I was really getting into it I got called back. I asked my husband to come in with me.

The woman pointed me to a spot that was in a corner on the right side. I said to my husband "Oh she's putting us in the middle of nowhere huh??" She had me sit down, put my arm out and make a fist. Simple enough. I quickly turned my head the other way. I don't usually mind getting blood drawn from me but I just can't watch it happen.

Also I think I should point out that when it comes to getting IV's put in my arm or blood drawn, my veins suck. It usually takes a few minutes to find a good vein and get enough blood and wouldn't you know that's what happened today!! She found a vein reasonably quick but unfortunately it took awhile to get any blood. The entire needle had to go into my arm. Just before she put it in she said "Are you ready??" And before I had time to answer the damn thing was in my arm. It felt like a splinter at first then it felt like a real needle was being shoved into my arm.

I hoped it would be done in a few seconds. WRONG!! She started making comments and I turned and for some reason I watched the rest of the time. She had to get a second little container to get more blood because she was afraid the first would get clots in it because it took so long to get any in there. I hate the word "clots" by the way. I know what they are and I've seen them. They are extremely gross. It's like a red piece of yarn that's moist and wet and feels all gooey.

I looked at the needle in my arm. It seemed kind of weird looking at that thing inside my arm. I was glad I didn't actually watch it go in. It looked kind of silver looking and it looked like a very tiny stick. What a shame I couldn't have just yanked it out.

After she got the blood she needed she wrapped my arm up so tightly it cut off the circulation. I took it off later on. My hubby got me a snack and then we went bowling. I used to be so good at sometimes I'm lucky to get close to the 150 average I had. Oh well. My husband is doing better at bowling. He even beat me one game. After bowling, and sweating like we just came out of a sauna, we had dinner. Ahh food..yummy..chicken sandwiches, french fries..sodas!! I also didn't finish my snack..well, now I know what my midnight snack will be.

Now what was my lesson from this?!?!?? If you're going to have to fast, hide all food that tastes good!! Well that may not always work. When you fast long enough, cardboard starts to look tasty. Yeah you might be getting a package and you'll see the box and you'll be like "FOOD!!!!" and completely ignore the package. Okay probably not very realistic but it's amazing the food that starts to sound good when you're fasting.

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