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A Floating Liter Box?!!?!?!

Thursday, Jun. 19, 2003 - 8:15 p.m.

My mother told us about this and I just HAD to put it up here.

For some reason Mother Nature is having it rain just about every single day the past few weeks. This town is becoming a rain forrest or a swamp, take your pick. Well whenever it rains a lot my parents' basement will start flooding and they have to spend a day pumping the water out.

My parents' cat's liter box is on the basement floor. Most of the time the cat will use it, but after a few times if it's not clean, he'll use the floor. Today, my father was SOOO sure the basement wasn't flooding. Yeah right. Well my mother goes down there and notices their cat's litter box is sailing around the floor. Translation: About 4-5 inches of water was in the basement and the literbox started floating around the basement on top of the water like a damn sailboat!!

My mother told my father that the basement was flooding and of course my father still didn't buy it. My mother then said "The liter box is floating!! The cat can't hit a moving target!!"

Oh to have seen that and then to see the cat's reaction. I wonder if he even saw it. If he did, what must he have been thinking?? I would have paid money to see that!!

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