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Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets

Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 - 10:46 a.m.

My husband, my mother and I went to go see Harry Potter 2 yesterday. Two hours and 40 minutes and I felt every single second of it. With a movie that long, I could have waited until it came to DVD. But my sweet hubby who loves the Harry Potter books SO much wanted to go, so I went for him. During the entire movie, my husband didn't go out once for a cigarette. Hey if that's what it takes to get him to not smoke, I'll go to a super long movie every day. Back to the movie..I did like it. but it still felt like it went on and on. It reminded me of the tv show "24" where they show every single thing that happens to every person at every event.

My husband is a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and has read them numerous times. We're taking obsessed here. Although I do like the movies, I don't know if I could be classified as a fan yet.

For 3 dollars a ticket there isn't too much you can complain about. Although I did get something sticky on the bottom of both of my shoes. I can complain about that. It was gooey, sticky and let's face it, disgusting. Off and on during the movie I was moving my feet around, hoping like crazy I didn't step in more of that..stuff. I'm still not completely sure what it was. Although I do know that when we walked out of the theater, I had napkins stuck to the bottom of my shoes.

I do agree with the critics that the second Harry Potter movie is better than the first. The special effects really look real. The money spent on them was well worth it. The first one had good special effects just..was a bit on the boring side. It did have interesting moments but I lost interest several times. With this movie, I didn't lose my interest. It kept me guessing about everything. That is the kind of movies that should make more of. The kind where you don't know exactly what's coming and you enjoy it. Hollywood should take a lesson from J.K. Rowling.

Richard Harris does NOT look good in this movie. I guess that's a DUH since he did die recently. Daniel Radcliffe is a very good looking kid. I can't wait to see what he looks like when he's an adult. I hope they keep him and all the kids for each movie. I've heard rumors that the kids will be replaced after the 3rd movie. Pardon me but that is so damn stupid!! People hate recasts and the movies NEVER work the same way as the others did. People care about these characters and they identify more with them when they see actors play them. It will ruin the movie franchise of Harry Potter if they recast the kids. Since I am not a fan of the books I guess I can't really say much except that I have seen movies where they did recasts. What I saw of the movie "Hannibal" didn't fully work for me mostly due to someone else playing Jodie Foster's role of Clarice Starling. I kept thinking "This isn't right. This is NOT Clarice!!" But will Hollywood listen to me?? I doubt it.

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