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I'M Cold Hearted

Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005 - 9:17 a.m.

According to my mother I am. Why?? Because Cristen was going to be induced in labor with her 3rd kid by her 3rd husband and no one will be there while giving birth and I don't feel sorry for her at all. Now yes that may seem heartless but by all means..let me explain my side.

Cristen has been a royal pain in the fucking ass for about 12 years now. She has sent 2 men to prison for statatory of which was her uncle all before she was 16. She ran away from home a few times. She kicked out a windshield of her parents' brand new car when she was about 14 or so. She steals from everyone including her own parents. She even stole her little sister's makeup once. She stole jewelry from her own mother..including her wedding ring!! What did she do with it?? Pawned it of course knowing full well that her parents didn't have the money to try to buy it back. She's horrible to her mother. She's been on drugs for years. She doesn't take care of the 2 kids she had. Her mother is raising one and sharing custody of the other with the kid's father. In fact when she was on a scheduled visit with them she ran them a bath and put them in it just so she could leave without them knowing. Meanwhile not telling anyone she was leaving and left those 2 kids, both under 5 at the time in the bathtub alone. She drinks while she's pregnant. When she was pregnant with the 2nd kid she asked my mom what could she do to bring on premature labor. She wasn't worried about what that would do to her baby who she had been fillin with alcohol all during her pregnancy. She was only worried about "how tired of being pregnant" she was and wanted to end it. She's been on drugs and methodone with this latest pregnancy. And in the passed year she's allowed her current husband (an ex convict) steal a gun from her aunt's house, contacted her birth father (who is a violent murderer who killed his pregnant girlfriend years ago with a baseball bat) and even though she KNEW her mother was terrified of this man and hated him she told her birth father all these things about her mother and even showed him where her mother lives and helped him stalk her for awhile!!

Now am I overreacting for thinking this girl has made her bed, it's time to fucking lie in it?? Her current husband wanted to do something else and not be there when the baby was born. Okay fine he's a jerk. But hey everyone knew that when she married him. Why would anyone want to be there for her?? She lies, manipulates, steals from everyone and treats them like shit..why would anyone give her the time of day after that?? She never tries to do better. She never really needed anyone before and has never tried to turn over a new leaf so why do anything for her now??

My mother thinks I'm being cold hearted. She feels sorry for her and thinks everyone deserves sympathy. She went on with "What did that baby do??" And how it was wrong to turn your back on the baby. We're not..we're turning our backs on her. She thinks my cousin..Sarita should be there for her because it's her daughter. Sarita has been there for her so many times and Cristen just spits in her face. I told my mother if she (my mother( was so concerned why doesn't she go there?? She said "Well she hasn't really spoken to me lately, it wouldn't help her any." What the fuck ever.

Of course I have to ask where was all this bleeding heart sympathy from me when I lost my baby?? My baby actually died and I didn't get an ounce of sympathy from my mother. Not a single "I'm sorry." or anything. What did I do to deserve such a lack of sympathy?? Oh I have to shit on everyone and be a total bitch to the world to get any sympathy. Okay I get it. And here I was wasting all these years of my life trying to be as sweet and as nice as I could be. What was I thinking??

I don't blame Sarita at all..I really don't. She's tried SOOO many times. She's so wrecked over everything that happened she's now pretty much sedaded on drugs all the time. She's not even a shell of her former self.

I can't believe my mother says I'm cold hearted. Am I?? Seriously if I am say so. She feels that a mother should keep trying and trying until she's dead. Again where was that sympathy for me?? And should a mother keep trying when the daughter goes so far as to even put her mother's life in jeopardy?? Cousin Bimbo's daughter is in the house all the time too..her birth father could have killed her too. Great parenting.

I told my mother I was sorry if she feels I was cold hearted but that's how I felt. She said "I don't think you really mean're just talking."


She kept going on and on and on about how sad it was that no one was going to be there. She said "Don't you think it's sad?? Wouldn't you be hurt if you were giving birth and NO ONE would be there for you??" Now we're talking about me or just a random person. She's totally not getting that. In my opinion you can only burn a bridge so many times before no one wants to try rebuilding again.

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