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I Won The Bet..But Will I Collect??..;))

Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002 - 9:51 p.m.

Yes I won the bet. It snowed..and snowed..and snowed..then it snowed some more and threw in some sleet with it. Now we're surrounded by snow, ice and cold temperatures. Watching it fall is fun, looking at it after it falls is fun..shoveling it and driving in it just sucks. As for the bet..I'm not going to collect on it. I could..but I'm sweet and my sweet hubby has let me out of a few bets I've lost. Notice I said a few. I don't make many bets unless I'm reasonably sure I'm going to win them.

We got about 7-8 inches. Well that what was reported before the ice came. Who knows how much is ice. Anyways, I thought I'd be sweet early this afternoon and dig the car out of the snow and shovel the driveway. Digging the car out, although time consuming wasn't all that hard. Shoveling snow is when it got very tricky. We have one of these 3 piece shovels that you put together. Now putting this thing together wasn't very hard..making it stay together was the hard part. Although I think I did pretty damn good considering I had never used one of those 3 piece shovels.

Since the shovel wasn't on strong enough and I didn't know how to get it fastened well enough to stay together, most of the snow I shoveled in the driveway got turned sideways while in the shovel and fell. After about half an hour and only getting about 20% of a big hill of snow the snow trucks thought to leave behind I gave up. My pulse was already in the thousands and I was actually sweating. You believe that?? It's below freezing and I'm sweating like I'm in a sauna. I bet I burned a lot of calories though. Yeah great thought huh?? I should make sure to remember that when I pass out next time.

My husband said I did a good job on the car which made me happy. We drove over to my parents' house for an hour. We had been trapped inside here for about 2 days and only went out yesterday to get groceries. I told my mother what I had done and I was hoping for a "You did a good job." or maybe even a surprise that I actually went out there in the cold and did it. I've done it once..or rather I tried but I wound up falling and was too cold and in too much pain from the fall to keep going. This time I actually got the entire thing cleaned off so I was proud of myself. Now what was my mother's response. "Well I hope you didn't scratch it all up." Thanks mom..that really makes me feel good. My father didn't even say anything until I asked him flat out if I did a good job then all he did was nod and say "yeah." Is there any wonder why I have a low self esteem with parents like that??

Right now I have a headache. My least favorite kind. The kind that hurts in the back of the head and doesn't seem to want to go away. I took an I just need to wait for it to kick in.

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