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A Group Of Kids & A Couple Cats

2002-03-29 - 9:01 p.m.

I took that picture a few weeks ago and I thought it might look nice as a background.

Well who would think that a group of kids and a cat would get on my shit list in the same day.

My husband and I went over to my parents' house and on the road that you have to turn on that's just before my parents' house was covered in branches and sticks. We're both convinced a bunch of neighborhood kids did it. They are constantly playing in that road, rolling all over it so if a car came the driver would need excellent reflexes so as to not to hit the kid. Not to mention the kids for some reason likes to leave all their toys in my parents' yard. Not to sound like the town Grinch but I think we should get rid of that stuff they leave in my parents' yard to teach them a lesson.

Anyways, the branches and sticks in that road could very easily cause a wreck. I told my mother about it and she said if she caught them doing it she'd turn them in. I don't understand some kids, they think it's fun to do these kinds of things without even considering the consequences. Who do you blame though?? The kids or the parents?? Perhaps both.

Now as for the cat whose on my shit list. There's a stray cat that comes around my parents' house. She has orange fur and orange eyes. It's a very sweet cat and we feed her, pet her and play with her. Well I think she looks just like a tiger lilly flower so I named her "Tiger Lilly". Well my mother's cat is the kind of cat that gets jealous quick. Tonight after my mother fed the cat and I played with it some my mother's cat went nuts. The cat outside was meowing wanting to come in and my mother's cat stood at the door hissing and raising hell.

Well I was trying to get my mother's cat to move and he turned, standing in front of the door and looked at me and was glaring at me and hissing at me. Yes the cat was hissing at me!!!!!!!!! I've never had a cat hiss at me before like that. I've seen cats hiss at other animals but never at me!! Well I called my husband into the room where I was at with this cat. This was actually scaring me a little. The cat had so much hate in his eyes I couldn't believe it. I casually sneaked towards the living room. Well my husband and I walked together and my husband was getting the cat to move into another part of the house away from the door. Well the cat turned and started hissing at both me and my husband. My mother was going on a few minutes before saying "I doubt he was hissing AT YOU." Yeah right mom....your cat is just glaring at me, his eyes looking evil and he's hissing while looking at me but NOOOOOOOO he's not hissing at me. I must be paranoid!!!!!!!!

Well this was really freaking me out. You believe it?? I got scared of a cat. A 10 pound, 2 foot long, spoiled house cat. My cat that died last year would have loved seeing that.

Not long afterwards my mother's cat attempted I guess to make up. He tried to get into the bathroom while I was in it and he was clawing at the door and meowing. I yelled back "You have got to be kidding!!" Perhaps he was wanting to make up or maybe he's seen the movie "Psycho" and thought that would be the best time to attack. Yeah I'd be sitting there on the toilet looking at a newspaper, in other words being a sitting duck for that cat. I refused to open the door. Can you imagine if the cat did attack me and how I would tell the story to a doctor in the emergency room if I had to go because of that cat?? Maybe the cat is Anthony Perkins reincarnated.

I'm scared to even touch my mother's cat right now while I still have that cat's smell on me. I guess I'll have to take a shower and play rub a dub dub before that cat will even let me pet him. I tried petting him a little while ago and he was just interested in smelling me to see if he could still smell that cat.

This cat reminds me of some warrior or that he's king of my parents' house the way he seems to think he owns it and everyone in it. My cat thought he was king too but he didn't act this crazy. I think my mother's cat has some anger management problems. Do they have cat shrinks?? Can you imagine trying to make an appointment with one of those?? Could it even be done with a straight face?? Just make a call and say "Excuse me, could I make an appointment for my cat, he has some..umm..issues." Yeah I think that would probably seal the deal in getting me into a mental institution.

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