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The Lies Parents Tell

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002 - 11:34 p.m.

I don't usually think of myself as some gullible fool who will believe just about anything someone says. In fact I'm usually hesitant to believe things at first unless I really know the person who is telling it to me and I know how credible they are.

As I was growing up, like many kids, I took my parents' word as gold. You believe everything they tell you. No matter how illogical it sounds. For example let's take Santa Claus. As a child you are told that Santa Clause is ONE man with 7 flying reindeer who visits all the children in the world in one night without a single problem. You believe this. Your parents are telling you this and at this point you are under the impression that parents know everything. They are your personal encylopedia of knowledge. You don't question what they say, nor do you believe that they could be lying. You fall for what they say..hook..line and sinker.

For several years I believed in Santa Claus. Did my mother ever tell me the truth?? Not really. She never hinted at it. I had to find out from a friend and cousins who were YOUNGER than me. Damn did I feel stupid. I confronted my mother, she insisted there was a Santa Claus and after a lot of pushing and persistance she admitted the truth. Is it wrong to tell kids there is a Santa Claus?? In my they should be told at a reasonable age. I however didn't find out until I was about 10 or 11. Go ahead and laugh. I would but I would have to admit even further how big an idiot I really was then. The Easter Bunny is a good one as well. We are told that there is a fluffy big bunny out there who wants to give children candy just because it happens to be Easter. He just hops around giving candy and no one notices, and no one wonders where he gets the money for all this. Also, let's not forget the Tooth Fairy. This tiny little woman who has tons of money and all she wants is baby teeth. She's willing to give all this money just for a tooth that no one needs or wants anymore. Pulllease. But kids we buy it.

For years I was always told that my father's parents had a wonderful marriage. They were very happy together, and that my grandmother was SO upset when my grandfather died. Just recently I have found out that is bullshit. My grnadmother hated my grandfather and couldn't stand being married to him. Well gee that really makes me happy. Why didn't someone let me in on that little secret before now??

My mother used to tell me if my face breaks out a little because my husband hasn't shaven recently, and I give him oral sex, and then we have sex, I'd get herpies. That one I didn't believe but's a lie. She used to say if water got spilled on the floor in the bathroom, the floor would cave in and everything would fall as well. I was also told that my parents didn't have sex until they were married..bam..another lie. A big one even.

Tonight I found out a real doozy of a lie. For years my mother told me that my father took a shot every year after I was born until he had his vesectomy. The shot would stop any future children. Tonight I found out that was not only bullshit but that my mother is denying it was ever said!! Yeah right..I only heard it dozens of times!! I brought it up, still believing it was true and her reaction was to laugh and say I was either lying or seriously mistaken. She said "Why don't you just admit you're lying or you heard wrong??" I asked her if she would admit there was a chance she did say it. She said "No because I KNOW better than to say something like that. It is completely untrue." Well she kept laughing saying how stupid and silly I was to think such a thing. She also was like "They don't exist, why would I say that??" Well gee mom why don't you tell me??

As children we are innocent pawns who will believe just about anything we are told. As a child you could be told the grass grows because we tell it to, and that the tv is really a box with people inside it and we believe it. As adults we know better, but still, we repeat the same lies to kids.

Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, stangers, con artists, politicans, commericals, other people..our minds are screwed with from day one until the day we die. And it ALL starts with our parents.

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