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A Panic Attack..LIVE As It Happens

Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 - 8:25 p.m.

Okay let's see if I can do this and be able to understand it later. A panic attack has decided to start inside my head for no reason whatsoever. Goody goody.

I'm taking deep breaths or rather trying to. I feel nervous and shaking a little. I feel very jumpy and jitterly. It's like I need to be moving more or walking around. I'm tapping the keys in between sentences while I think of what to type next. I'm hitting the backspace button a few times here and there which isn't out of the ordinary for me. I'm breathing harder..not trying so hard now to breathe deeply. I'm feeling more jitterly. It seems like when I am trying to write a sentence I hold my breath but it's not intentional.

I feel like I need to go in another room and let this phase out on it's own. I know it will but sitting here isn't helping. It's just keeping it in the back of my mind while I try to force my mind into distractions that aren't working. It's making it worse. I need to go in the bathroom or somewhere that no one else will go in or ask a bunch of questions like if I'm okay.

Okay I need to calm down. At least a little bit to avoid being found out. Okay I'm going to finish this entry and go to the bathroom and spend 5 minutes trying to get this panic attack to pass or at least lessen to the point that I can handle it.

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