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Long Time No Write Huh??

Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002 - 7:45 p.m.

It's typical that the last entry I write was an update on everyone and here I am over a week later having to write another entry updating about everything that's been going on. But I digress. I hadn't intended to wait so long to write another entry although it happened anyways. So here it is..a very long entry. Yes very long..a lot happens in what is it..8..9 days?? Yikes..I need to not let that happen again.

Dec21's birthday was on the 21st. He turned 34 but looks 24. I hope I look 24 when I turn 34. My parents gave him a movie and we all went out to dinner. And how often can you take advantage of being taken out to dinner and being able to order ANYTHING you want?!?! Well with some encouragement from my mother and me, Dec21 ordered a 20 ounce steak. Now maybe I've lived in a small town too long, but I haven't even seen a 20 ounce steak in person. I had a bite of it and it was quite good..although my chicken fingers were much better.

For Dec21's birthday I usually give him a Dec21 day. Basically it means we do whatever he wants. We got out to eat wherever he wants, we go to a movie of his choosing, rent movies, whatever he wants and I pick up the tab. Considering his birthday happened to fall on a Saturday and not just any Saturday..the weekend before Christmas which translates into the busiest weekend of the year. So once things calm down a bit we're going to do Dec21 day. I came up with the idea of this since his birthday is so close to Christmas, I thought it would be nice to make each one in Christmas he gets presents and on his birthday we do whatever he wants. I'm hoping that when we do his day he doesn't choose to go see the second Lord Of The Rings movie. He wants to see that movie and I KNOW if he chooses that I'll fall asleep during it...well let me rephrase. I'll be hoping I can fall asleep during it.

Monday night Dec21, my mother and I made chocolate covered peanut butter balls. It's our yearly tradition. We stir a bunch of ingredients together, nibble on the mix, roll it into a bunch of little balls and then dip them in melted chocolate, let them get cold and spend the next few days eating them and trying not to count the pounds they would surely add. We made about 170 of those little suckers and they're already gone. Chocolate doesn't last long in my parents' house.

Speaking of adding pounds..I can say with a great amount of pride that I am FINALLY losing weight. That damn paxil caused me to gain weight for the first few months I was on it. I will probably hate myself for admitting this but what the hell?? I gained about 30 pounds in 3 months thanks to that pill from hell. On a brighter note though, I have lost over 20 of those pounds and I'm still going. Go me!! My goal is to get my weight down to 100 even. Not that I expect it to happen but hey it's a nice illusion.

Merry Christmas..Merry Christmas..yeah yeah I know it's passed Christmas but I'm getting warmed up for next year. Christmas Eve, my parents, Dec21 and me all went to look at Christmas lights around town. It was a flop and a half. What has happened to people around here?? Hardly anyone put out any lights and most of the ones who did didn't do that good a job. It was such a disappointment. I was really looking forward for our yearly Christmas Eve tradition of spending a couple hours looking at all the lights. Bah Humbug to this town!!

I got just about everything I had wanted for Christmas. I wasn't knocked up (as far as I know) and I didn't get more color ink for our printer but I got over it. I also didn't get Dec21 wrapped up in a red bow but I'll try for that again next year. As for not being knocked up..who knows if I am or not. I'm 3 days late and since I'm writing about it that probably means I'll be getting that time of the month within 24 hours. I've also been nauseious but that could be caused by just about anything. If I am pregnant, I'll be happy, scared and a tiny bit annoyed that I couldn't have found out before Christmas. Talk about a surprise for Christmas!!

I haven't heard from Skinny Minnie in awhile. Well that's not entirely true..I got a Christmas card from her last week. Near the end she wrote "Hugs & Kisses". Hugs & Kisses?!?!? Okay who wrote that card because it sure as hell wasn't Skinny Minnie. She put the Navy Ass's name last on the card right after their son. I consider that a bit funny that the Navy Ass got last billing. Last time I actually heard her voice was about a week and a half maybe 2 weeks ago..maybe longer. She called, woke me up and didn't even ask how I was this time. She just said "Hi what are you doing??" My response was "Trying to sleep, I'll talk to you later." She said "Okay call me anytime." I then hung up. Yeah sure I'll call you anytime..anytime I'm in the mood to be bored, listen to your bullshit and have you remind me I don't have kids YET.

I thought this entry would be longer. I also thought the tone would be a bit on the happier side. I'm not in a bad least I don't think. Oh well..I need to check out the resolutions I made last year and see how I did on them and get ready to make some for 2003.


It seems like just when I get used to saying it's one year a new year starts.

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