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A Rather Long Rant About The DMV

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 - 1:49 a.m.

You know, I'm not a huge fan of DMV's. The Department Of Motor Vehicles in my opinion is one of the worst ran businesses in this country. You have to wait forever and be surrounded by a bunch of people you don't know who would do just about anything to get ahead in line, even if they have to steal someone else's ticket number, assuming the DMV has them.

In the past several days we have been to the DMV twice and both times it was a pain in the ass, however it did end well today. We had to get our license plates renewed. It's always such a enjoyable experience to have to do that. Note the sarcasm. Up until a few years ago we had a tiny DMV that that could fit into our apartment with no problem. Everyone had to stand in line and wait and wait and wait. Not to mention from the inside it looked like it was built and designed in the 1970's. Then they built a brand new DMV (for some reason I keep trying to type in DVD) that was guranteed to be faster and easier. Yeah sure..if they say so.

The new one is bigger, I will admit that, however in my opinion it's even slower than the old one!! They have 12 desks for people to go to, yet they only have 4 open at a time. Everyone has to stand in a long line..and I do mean LONG line to tell what they are there for, get a ticket number then go sit down in a plastic chair and wait for about 15-20 minutes until their number is called, go up to one of the FOUR desks and THEN get their business done. They also have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, even if all you are doing is getting new tags for your license plates. Now how the hell is that easier?? Oh get to sit..that's how it's easier. You get to sit in uncomfortable chairs with a bunch of strangers waiting for your number to be called and hoping a crazy ex-employee doesn't come in and shoot up the place. No magazines, no newspapers, no tv..not even a brochure on why you should drive safe and wear a seatbelt.

This passed Friday we went far so good. It was in the early morning right after breakfast so we figured there wouldn't be many people there. WRONG!! There must have been about 30-40 people at least in line just to get the damn ticket numbers!! Well Dec21 waits in line and I sit down in one of the chairs.

I got bored so I started just rambling on to whoever would listen. I offered one guy 10 dollars for his ticket number..he refused. Good thing too because I wasn't completely serious even though it WAS tempting!! Another guy who seemed to enjoy my ramblings went outside to smoke a cigarette and never came back. Bummer. A few other people listened in as they were passing by me. I made little comments about how we should stage a mutiny on the I felt like we were in the movie "A Christmas Story" and how the kid thinks he's getting into a short line to see Santa and a guy tells him the line ENDS there but it begins way in the back.

I noticed a girl in line I had went to school with. I prayed she didn't recognize me because for one I was wearing an outfit that made me look SO fat (why is it you almost always look the worst when you run into someone you know??) and the girl was a stuck up snob in high school and it appeared her post high school years hadn't changed her a bit. She was also wearing this skimpy outfit that would have made Daisy Duke blush. The shorts came up to her ass and her top looked more like half a towel wrapped around her. *sighs* If only I had the body to wear that!! Why is it the more stuck up a girl is, the better her body is?? Especially the girls you hated in school??

After Dec21 FINALLY got the ticket number and I filled out all their paperwork we decided to go to their drive thru. So we got in the car, drove around and gave them a check and the registration. The person at the drive thru asked for the title to the car. We were like "Huh?? Since when is that needed?!?!!" Well since we bought the car from my parents, we had to show that WE were the ones who bought it and we didn't have the title with us and guess what..they wouldn't give the damn tags without the damn title. So damn it!!

Monday we went back to the DMV, waited in line again, got a cute little number and sat down on those damn chairs again. There must have been at least 10 kids there with parents or grandparents and you know they must have been having a great time roaming around the place, dreaming about the day they would be there to get their license. Hey I can admit I did it. This one girl who was behind us heard them call the number that was just before hers and she said "Oh!! Oh!! Oh!!" I turned to Dec21 and said "Is she excited or having an orgasm??"

We got up to the desk and the we were getting the new tags and noticed the license plate number on the registration was wrong!! The woman..who was SOOO rude said "Well that's what you gave me!!" Yeah well fine whatever. The truth is she renewed the tags on the car we sold to the dumb ass, not the car we have now!! We were surrounded by morons!!

The woman told us that the license plates on our car were still registered to my parents and didn't get switched over to us when we bought the car from them. Typical..I can just imagine what a cop would have thought if he had pulled us over. Can we say jail?? Can we say arrested on suspicion of stealing a car or a license plate?? Can we say one phone call?? Can we say "Mom I need a lawyer??". So we had to get new license plates and we got the tags to go along with them. Yay!! Now we don't have to go back to that damn place until December when Dec21 needs to get his license renewed.

Once in the car I looked to see what our new license plate would be. We didn't get a personalized was completely random what the numbers and letters would be. I noticed the first few letters were like Dec21's first name without the vowels. Hmm that's cool. I then checked out the rest of the license plate and not only did it have his first name on it but it had his year of birth as the next 2 numbers and the next 2 numbers after that was his age!!!!

So the license plate is as follows

(his name without the vowels) XXX-#### (his birth year and his age)

Now how weird is that?!?!?!?! The odds of that are like 1 in a trillion!! Dec21 is tickled pink about it and keeps looking at it. My mother was shocked about it and told people she worked with about it. My mother and I both said it's like a personalized license plate without having to pay for it!! So how do you like that?? The DMV did something right!!

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