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Lots Of Opinions

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002 - 9:09 p.m.

With this entry I thought I'd write my views on things that I'm sure has been debated numerous times by many people. I may get slammed for some things I say but so what?? Freedom of speech still exists.


Abortion should not be illegal. I am against using abortion as a form of birth control. I think it should be used in cases of rape, incest and when the mother's life is in danger. Now I have heard arguments on why abortion should be illegal even in those cases but consider this. Some people say if a woman is raped the baby shouldn't be punished. Well if the woman has the baby and keeps it, she'll constantly be reminded of how that baby was conceived. Should she have to go thru that for something that's not her fault?? Should a child know that it's mother is seeing a rapist in it's eyes?? As for adoption, why should the woman go thru all that and then have to give up a child that is a part of her?? Yeah sure let's cause her some more pain. As for incest..does anyone realize the medical problems that come from babies conceived from incest?? As for if the mother is danger..I've heard from people say "At least a part of me will live on." Yeah I'm sure the child will like knowing it played a role in it's mother's death, and that statement will really come in handy while that child grows up without a mother. Isn't it interesting the pro-lifers who complain and protest abortion don't even try to think up ways to make abortion unnecessary??


People get in nominated to run for office by saying what their party wants them to say. Those people get elected because of what party they are in. Does anyone really win because of who they are and what they personally stand for?? Not to mention, congressmen get elected not because they want to help the country, or get things done..they want the nice office, big paycheck, few days of actual work, and a stepping stone for a higher office.

(These are ones I have come up with myself and actually believe. I didn't just find them on some website and copy and paste.)

Doctors DON'T know everything.

42 is NOT always the answer.

I don't care what anyone says. No one is worth millions of dollars for only working a few months.

The electoral college has NO purpose other than to contradict the statement "Each vote counts."

Bush did NOT really win the election in 2000.

The gold membership for diaryland isn't worth it!! Sorry Andrew.

Sequels don't ALWAYS suck.

The chicken came first. If God can really just create an adult man out of thin air and start the process of populating the earth..whose to say he didn't do the same for the chicken??

Who decides what parts of the Bible don't apply anymore and what parts do??

Where is the challenge in a horror movie, when the bad guy has already been killed, destroyed and blown up numerous times and still manages to come back??

Why are pennies bigger than dimes but worth less??

Isn't it interesting how every book and movie that comes out is always the person whose involved in it "their best ever" or the "best selling"??

Beverly Hills 90210 was on too long and was not a good show.

Paul Revere may have warned everyone the British were coming and saved a lot of lives..but the guy also got captured!! I bet you were never told that in History class. I wasn't. Schools today aren't nearly as good as they could be!! I have since found out since getting out of school that a lot of what my teachers told me is bullshit.

Bill Clinton DID have sexual relations with THAT woman.

Diet sodas DO taste good.

Paying about 20 dollars for 2 movie tickets, popcorn, and a soda is NOT worth it.

There are different kinds of Ranch dressing. I have been told I'm crazy because I taste a difference in ranch dressings from different places of each other.

I've always thought F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E was the correct spelling of that word but lately, I've been seeing it spelled with a U. Come on people, that's the Canadian version..get it right!!

Citizen Kane and Casablanca are NOT classics. Think about it. One is a movie about a guy whose last time being happy was riding a "ROSEBUD" sled and the other is a love story that is boring and has one of those "Why have I been watching this movie all this time??" endings.

If computers are SO smart..then why do they keep breaking down all the time?? Well personally I believe the obvious answer. Because most of them have idiots in front of them, not knowing what the hell they are doing.

Calling someone a bitch is NOT always an insult.

College is NOT as fantastic and the best time of your life.

People always told me I would miss high school once I got out. I got out 5 and a half years ago...just when am I supposed to start missing it??

Being opinionated is a GOOD thing.

Smiling may increase your face of value, but making it an "eat shit & die smile" will put you in a better mood.

The experts that the news channels talked to about the sniper were..W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill O'Reilly may not always be right..but at least he has the balls to say what he thinks, not what he's told to say that he thinks.

Contrary to what this entry sounds like, I'm not in a bad mood..really. I'm a very opinionated bitch...but I'm sweet.

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