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Me + Icing + Cake = A Big Mess

Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 - 4:12 p.m.

Lesson for the day: If the best thing you can do with icing is eat it..then don't try to ice a cake.

Yep that's right..I tried to put icing on a cake. every other time I've tried to do it..I didn't do it right. It looks like a can of icing just exploded on top of the cake. In other words, every part of the cake got covered, just not very smooth.

My mother made the cake and she asked me to put the icing on. I agreed, mostly because I wanted a little nibble of the icing which I did get so it wasn't a complete waste of time. My mother said "It doesn't matter how it looks, we just want to eat it." Translation: "No it doesn't look all that good but we'll still eat it."

I think when it comes to designing and decorating, I'll just stick to my websites from now on.

P.S. Is it just me or does the word "icing" look misspelled??

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