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Women & Men's Jobs When Having Kids

2001-12-14 - 10:29 p.m.

Kids are so great. How can anyone not love them?? I love kids and babies, and I want a lot of them but it kind of seems like the system of having kids is a little unfair. Think about it..guys get 20 minutes of pleasure, (more or less depending on the guy) and their job is pretty much done for, for the next 9 months. Then the woman has to carry the baby for 9 months, and have the mood swings, the morning sickness and everything else that goes along with pregnancy. Then the day comes to have the baby. The man holds the woman's hand and get cussed at and their hands possibly bruised for a couple days. Meanwhile the woman goes thru the numerous hours of pain, then finally gives birth. They finally get that watermelon out of their lemon sized opening. They're still in pain for awhile. The man gets to hold the baby and videotape 98% of it's first couple days. The man has a grin from ear to ear. The woman is lucky if any part of her body looks good enough to be photographed. Then coming home, the man is still on cloud 9 and of course 2 am feedings come, and if the woman is breastfeeding she'll have to get up most of the time. After all she's probably on maternity leave if she was working before and the man still has to work, he can't get up that much at night. Not to mention the woman has to have the monthly visitor for all this to happen. Now I don't mean to bash any of the men out there, but put all the things the woman has to do to have a child, and think about the things a man has to do. It doesn't balance out too well. Strange huh?? A woman has to go thru all that and 40+ years of monthly periods so the world's population can continue to grow and what do men have to do?? Ejaculate and hold a hand. Men usually say "We have to put up with the women when they are going thru this and that's not a picnic either." I'll grant you that. What would we ever do without you?? I love my husband more than anything and believe me when I'm in that delivery room, he'll be needed every single second. (wait a minute, he already is needed every second ;) ) But come on guys, we go thru more than you do and we don't complain half as much.

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