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My Mother Is "Ashamed" Of Me

Monday, May. 26, 2003 - 10:17 p.m.

I've made a decision. If I can't write a long entry, then fuck it, I'll just write an entry and not worry about the length. If I can write a long entry, more power to me and I'll do it. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, on to this entry, which I hope..really really hope will be the start of writing entries every day, more than once a day maybe.

I hate when my mother gets involved in arguments/disagreements Dec21 and I have. She throws herself in the middle and it just makes things worse. Last night Dec21 and I had a disagreement over a quote I wanted him to recite to my mother. He refused. It had the word "fucker" in it. Now he claimed he didn't want to say the word in front of my mother but I know that is bullshit since he read a joke e-mail to her that had the word "fuck" in there at least 20 times. Well I got pissy, he got stubborn and my mother got in the middle.

My mother decided I was completely in the wrong and started yelling at me. Well that just caused an argument between her and me with her saying before we walked out that she was SO ashamed of me. Gee sure know how to boost someone's self esteem. Just what every person wants to hear, that their mother is ashamed of them. Well, we got home, she called and wanted to talk to me..I passed on that opportunity and didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. Dec21 and I made up and today I avoided my mother like the plague.

Now this may be a good thing or a bad thing, I have yet to fully figure out, but when my mother and I have an argument or she says mean things she will attempt to bribe me to forgive her. Once she stormed out in the middle of the night, mad at me for something, and came home with a movie she bought, a movie I had been wanting to own for a long time. Today was no exception. She wanted us to come over which we did, and found she not only cooked Dec21's favorite meal, she bought a bunch of sodas that Dec21 and I LOVE and she had them in the refridgerator getting cold. She also got me a salad with items I like on it and my favorite dressing AND bought my favorite ice cream. If that wasn't enough she bought me a pair of capri pants that have a 34 dollar price tag on them. No movie though but oh well. Am I being bribed or what??

I talked to her for a few minutes on the phone. She had to go into work this evening and I gave a half assed apology. It was more like a "I'm not really sorry because I don't think I was completely in the wrong and I don't like that you got involved but I'm going to apologize to restore peace and in case I regret not doing so later." She half assed apologized. Actually it was more like "I'm sorry for what I said..but" But as in "you were more wrong." Her apology last night was 20 times better that she told Dec21 to give me but anyways I'll get over it. She told Dec21 that she shouldn't have said the "ashamed" comment but she didn't tell me that. Typical. During the mutual half assed apologies she also gave me a lecture about how wrong I was..blah blah blah..I did my best to let it go in one ear and out the other. it was reasonably easy to do so..I've had 24 years of practice at it.

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