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My Mother's Power

Friday, Sept. 16, 2005 - 4:48 p.m.

Well aren't I an idiot?? It seems the last..however long..probably at least a few months..anyone who wanted to could read my journal. Goody goody..I wonder who did and what they read. Oh well..fuck it. I don't care. I'm cold..I'm face is full of tears and my voice may be going hoarse but I doubt it. I wish I could understand this damn hold or whatever my mom seems to have over my father and Jeff. It's like they are scared of her and won't stand up to her. What the hell??

I confronted her about the weight bit from the other day. She denied most of it and said she just said the number on the weight comment as an example. Yeah funny how my weight is very close to that example. She also went on to say "This wasn't just anyone..this is your godmother." Should I go tell my godmother things about you that you wouldn't want told??


Fuck it. I just feel like crawling into bed, curling up in a ball and holding Oscar or a bunch of pillows and going to sleep. Maybe have Jeff cuddle up behind me or hold me..that is if he's not still mad at me for wanting me to stand up out loud and tell my mom he was on my side. He told me he was on my side but that he didn't want to say it out loud because it wouldn't do any good. Umm okay. He also said the consequences would outweight what good would come out of it. *sarcasm alert* Yeah I guess it's better to let your wife be hurt and devastated and feel abandoned and being ganged up on then to have your mother in law be a bit ticked with you.

He did eventually go up..well more like he went up and yelled up "You know I'm on her side right??" and she said "Yep" and he responded with "okay thank you." Short but sweet I guess. Anyways now she says she's on my side and she's sorry. I don't know. Does it even matter as much?? I just wish I hadn't brought it up.

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