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2002-03-03 - 10:44 p.m.

For the first time in several years my parents, my husband and me played a full game of Monopoly. I love playing Monopoly. The only problem is my parents and my husband think I'm too competitive. Funny, they don't say that when they are winning. My mother hates that I try to make trades on property when there are still deeds left to buy. I enjoy owning railroads more than blocks of properties.

I also have a different way of playing the game. When I do have houses/hotels on properties, I like making deals to get other properties. Like if someone lands on a property and owes a bunch of money to me, I say "Give me (whatever property) and we'll even." It's a good way to get a lot of good property and keep everyone in the game a bit longer. That game plan worked tonight and I won. At the end of the game I had every single property on the board. I wish I could play that game more often. My mother said tonight that she was going to buy the computer version of the game for me to play so I won't bug them to play anymore. That's fine with me. :))

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