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The Real Motive Behind Being Nice

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002 - 12:18 a.m.

I had a strange thought at dinner tonight. My husband and I went to IHOP and the waitress there was VERY nice and the wait wasn't very long for anything. Not long after we left I wondered..would this woman have been so nice if she wasn't being paid to be?? Probably not. I hate when you can't really tell if someone is being nice because they have to, they want something or they actually want to be. Some of these waitresses are so obvious though that you just know that outside of that resturant they wouldn't give you the time of day, no matter how nicely you asked. Although I have seen a couple waitresses that act as if you are their prison warden.

I'm probably wondering about something that millions of others have already figured out. That when you go somewhere, if people are being nice to you that work at the place you are at, they are just being nice because they are getting paid to be. They are being bribed to be a little nice and helpful to another human being. How pathetic. It's sad that most people will only be nice if they are getting something out of it.

I used to work as a cashier. I enjoyed it and not to be modest, but I was pretty damn good at it. I never once came up short on money for the day. I was as nice as I could to every customer that came thru my line. Granted if I wasn't being paid for it I wouldn't have done the job at all, but I wasn't being nice just to get paid, (well okay it was to some of the customers who would have made Mother Theresa go on a mass killing spree) it was because I actually like talking to people and being nice. Now I probably sound like the world's biggest sap for saying that. But so what?? I'm not saying everyone should just kiss the ass of every person they meet, and every person in a place of business should do that to all the customers. God knows I didn't do that when I was a cashier. They weren't paying me enough to do that.

Is it SO bad to actually be nice to someone without expecting or demanding something out of it?? Everyone says 9-11 united this country and made everyone be nicer to everyone. Yeah for what?? A couple months?? In general people haven't gotten nicer...they've just gotten a wake up call to think about themselves more and how quickly they could be the victim of a they also figure they can't waste time on people they don't know. small step forward for the giant step back for humanity.

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