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Movie Theatres

2002-02-03 - 8:28 a.m.

"Sleepless In Seattle" is on tv right now. I'm listening to it while writing this entry. I remember the day I first saw that movie in theaters. A friend and I went and I remember we were in line waiting on popcorn and drinks. There was a big storm outside. One of the employees of the movie theatre ran towards the concession stand and said that the screen showing "Jurassic Park" had just went out because of the storm for a minute. I remember thinking that must have been weird for the movie to go out and hearing that storm. I also remember hoping that the screen showing "Sleepless In Seattle" wouldn't go out. I have to admit I kind of knew the ending of the movie before seeing. Well, who didn't I guess?? Does Meg Ryan ever NOT get with the guy in the end?? I had went to see "Made In America" with my mother and after it ended I sneaked into the room they were showing it (they had 8 rooms for movies at the time)showing it the day it was released. It was the last scene of "Sleepless In Seattle" and I watched it. I didn't get caught either.

Okay, I take it back, Meg Ryan doesn't ALWAYS get the guy in the end. She didn't in "Courage Under Fire". I just remembered that. Another movie I saw in theatres.

I went to movies a lot as a kid. Back then going to the movies didn't cost you more than a night in a hotel. My mother and I would go all the time in the summer. In some ways I miss it. My mother and I always had a good time at the movies, even if the movie wasn't good. Sometimes we'd go and see a movie more than once. I used to get so jealous when I'd come home from school and find out she had went with her friends that morning for the early bird special. A couple times she let me stay home from school and go with her and her friends. That made me feel really grown up. Especially when we would all go to Rated R movies. hehe

My husband and I go to the movies sometimes. It's so expensive now and the idea of paying 15 dollars just for tickets to see a movie one time is ridiculous. I say wait a few months and the movie will be on DVD/VIDEO. Why spend 15 dollars (not counting snacks) on a movie to see once when you can own it for 20 dollars?? In some ways I wish we'd go more often, and if it was cheaper we'd go. It's not a question of having the money because we do, but I refuse to spend 15 dollars each time on a regular basis. My husband agrees with me. We rent movies a lot and if we like them a lot we buy them. Tickets used to be 2 dollars per ticket on early birds and around 3 dollars during the day.

Why do movie theatres charge so much?? Do we blame the celebrities who are charging 20 million dollars a movie?? Do we blame the studios whose average budget on a movie is getting close to a 100 million dollars?? Do we blame movie theatres who are getting greedy?? Yeah we could blame all of them but it's not the REAL reason in my opinion. The real blame is with the majority of the public. Why?? Because no matter how high prices get, they will keep paying them. Studios and movie theatres know this. Some people have no limits to how much they will pay to see a movie in theatres. Yet they don't see the point to getting a DVD player. In my opinion a DVD player is better than a big movie screen. And if you have a big screen TV and a DVD player then what's the difference in that and a big movie screen?? Just get a TV, a DVD player, turn out all the lights and buy a bunch of snacks. Now, what's the difference?? Guess what?? NONE!! home you don't have to worry about getting gum stucked to your shoe or having someone with a big head sitting in front of you blocking your screen. You know, I'm surprised people haven't taken a stand against movie theatres and refused to pay the high prices?? Just go on strike until prices go down. Of course, with sequels to big blockbusters always being made and the new Star Wars movie coming out this year I don't see that happening. Oh well, back to the video store.

P.S. Why is theatres spelled the way it is?? It makes so much more sense to spell it T-H-E-A-T-E-R-S. Am I the only one who thinks this??

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