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My Eyes Are Opening Wider & Wider

Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 - 6:50 p.m.

You have to wonder whether opening your eyes and seeing how some things and some people REALLY are is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it depends on what it is you find out. Right now, most of the things I am finding out aren't so great.

1) My father is a homophobic racist. How's that for a rude awakening?? I knew my father was a homophobic the way he used those horrible words/nicknames when talking about homosexuals. Yesterday however we were driving with my parents and my mother said that we were in "brother country". In other words she said we were driving thru an area of a city that was mostly populated by African Americans. Although to be honest, I didn't see one person that wasn't right on that street. Go figure. Anyways, I got upset my mother would make that assumption when she had really never been on that street before and didn't know a single person on it. My father said "Would you rather she say the 'N' word??" Yeah sure..I get upset by my mother saying "brother country" but I wouldn't object at all to her saying the "N" word. Note the sarcasm.

My father then said that he says "N" word a lot when he's talking with his friends and just joking around. Picture me shocked with my jaw about to hit the floor of the car. He acted like it was no big deal and said he was careful who he said it too. Yeah sure. In my opinion, which I said out loud, he was just trying to be all big and bad with all his friends, be one of the guys. How depressing. After seeing how pissed off this was getting me, my mother and him then tried to cover saying he really didn't say that word, 10 minutes after he had just repeatedly stated and gave examples of how he does say it. What's the most shocking of all..this is the same man who when I was about 8 years old and not kwowing any better bitched at me for saying "dumb black".

2) My mother in law will NEVER like me. She does NOT want to like me. She does not want anyone married to HER son. She wants to keep HER son wrapped up in her arpon strings so she can boss him around and have him do manual labor 24/7 for her instead of paying someone to do it. Hey that's not an exaggeration. She always wants him to do some manual labor job whenever we visit her. We went to visit for Thanksgiving 2 and a half years ago and within one hour of walking in the door she announces she wants Dec21 to help move her couch so she can put up a Christmas tree. Yeah we missed you too woman. NOT!! She NEVER says "I love you" to anyone or tells anyone they miss her or show any kind of affection really. I saw her hug Dec21 ONCE almost 2 years ago and other than that, I haven't even seen the woman wave to anyone much else hug. Maybe she thought she was dying that day or something.

Get she called and wanted Dec21 to drive 3 hours to where she was currently staying for a couple days and stay with her 2-3 days..WITHOUT me. Dec21 said he wanted to talk to me about it and she said "Why?? Can't you decide on your own?!!?!?" Gee let's can we interpret that?? We can say she thinks marriage is a one person deal..she wants to cause problems between us (which Dec21 and I both think she's been trying to do for years) or that she thinks there is no point in talking about it with me since she doesn't want me there. Whether I would be there or not is irrelevent. Shouldn't you talk to your spouse before deciding to just up and go to the other side of the state for 3 days?? I think so..Dec21 does too. I HIGHLY doubt either he nor I will doubt she'll blame me though. Oh well..I've gotten quite used to her blaming me for everything that happens in the world except for the JFK assasination and give her enough time and she'll blame me for that even though I wasn't alive when it happened.

3) Dec21's grandmother (his mother's mother) is NEVER going to die. The woman has been sick and in and out of hospitals for as long as I can remember. What's wrong with her?? According to everyone I've asked..EVERYTHING!! The woman is a walking disease/illness/injury/complication. This woman must be getting close to being the oldest person in her state. I keep waiting to hear she died but she hasn't..which is fine with me. I have no problem with her. I actually like her more than I ever have my mother in law. I've been told by many that this woman is worse than my mother in law but from what I've seen the exact opposite is true. She told Dec21 how she couldn't wait to meet me (my mother in law on the other hand showed no interest and didn't even say hello to me or acknowledge my presense when I first met her). She gave my mother in law and sister in law towels for wedding presents. She gave Dec21 and me a check for 500 dollars. I think us inviting her to the wedding (even though she couldn't come) and my mother in law and sister in law not inviting her to theirs may have had something to do with that. mother in law can't stand her mother but has been going to visit her every time she gets sick..which happens to be every couple weeks it seems. I think I have figured out why Dec21's grandmother is never going to die...poetic justice!! She's staying alive so she can torture my mother in law for me then she's going to outlive her!! LONG LIVE MY GRANDMOTHER IN LAW!!!!!

4) My memory is going downhill. Every year, Skinny Minnie and I ALWAYS talk to each other on each other's birthdays. We always call the other. Well one year I had to call her on my birthday but she said she was about to call. She might have been..I made her prove it by telling her I would hang up and she could call right back which she did. Anyways, her birthday came the other day and I DIDN'T CALL!!! Now I would expect her to eventually forget to call but ME?!?!?!? What the hell!?!??!!? That isn't like me!! That's something Skinny Minnie would wind up doing. Actually I'm surprised she hasn't. I called yesterday, apologized numerous times and promised to call this evening which I AM GOING TO DO!! If I don't, I'll just have to smack myself on the head a few times and see if my brain comes out.

5) No matter how old I mother is still going to treat me like a 4 year old. Last week she wanted us to go to an amusement park with her and my father. Dec21 love amusement parks but really weren't in the mood to go. Well my mother kept assuming we were going to go..even though I repeatedly said "I don't want to go!!" I eventually said "Don't I get a choice??" And she said "Yes..once you get there if you don't want to get on a certain ride I'll stay right there with you and hold your hand the whole time." The scary thing is..that wasn't said in a condesending tone or sarcasm..she was serious!!!!

She said she wasn't going to push either way..but she did. The night before Dec21 called and said we were NOT going. Well the next morning we go over to their house to invite them to breakfast..our treat. Well they refused and my mother said "Come on..get in the car and go with us." this woman smoking something!??! We kept saying no..we almost said yes just to shut her up. Well they left to go to the amusement park and we went out to breakfast. Not long into breakfast my mother shows up and said "Okay I decided to give you another you want to go?? Come on, you'll have fun!!" She sits in a booth next to us and keeps asking and pushing. We stand our ground and say NO!! She stays there for 10 minutes still asking and is convinced Dec21 doesn't want to go because I don't want to go. Yeah sure mom.

She gets a little pissed but insists she's not really upset..she just wanted to know. She keeps saying that if we don't go with her she's NEVER going to another amusement park again in her life. Gee that sounds a bit like an ultimatum or blackmail. Well we don't give in and she then leaves and I kinda expected her to come back again. The waitress came by (who had been listening off and on during this scene) and I said "Do you want to buy a mother?? We'll sell her cheap." She laughed and said "No thanks, I have one of those of my own." Well at least it's not just my mother who acts like this. When we got home there was a message on our voice mail of my mother apologizing and saying she'll call us later. Well at least she wasn't waiting in our driveway to ask us to go again. For the mother did NOT have a very good time there. Rather poetic don't you think?? She keeps pushing for us to go, when she didn't even want to go herself then she didn't even have a good time.

6) The world is a dangerous place and not a single person who makes it on the news is telling the truth the whole time. Who can tell what to believe and what not to believe??

7) The U.S. is a nation full of people being punished for a hypocritical government. The government yells and bitches when another country does something like parading the bodies of soliders to prove something to their people. Yet the same thing was done just a few days ago. The United States aired pictures of the bodies of Sadaam Hussein's sons, all bloody and looking like something you'd see in a horror movie. Why did they do this?? To prove that they were in fact dead. Now if ANY other country had done this the United States government would be bitching and demanding punishment for everyone involved..yet it's perfectly okay for the United States to poison our televison screens with bloody and mangled bodies of their enemies!!

What's better?? Viewing the world with your eyes open or closed?? I'm not sure, but I do know that you can't win either way.

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