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My Mood Today

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004 - 1:01 p.m.

Well it looks like Stacey is pregnant..would I be an awful person if I say I don't want to talk to her much now because of that and part of me hopes she miscarries??

Also my mom is feeling sooo bad for Lois' daughter Patty. Granted I do too. Her husband died on her birthday 2 months ago!! But come on...I'm getting sick of everyone getting my mother's support and comfort except me!! What the fuck?!?!?!

She keeps cursing those who haven't acknowledged Patty's pain, making sure she's okay, checking on her and acknowledging her husband's death. She went on about her own aunt not acknowledging it. Gee what's worse than your own aunt..oh I don't know..your own mother not acknowledging your child's death?!?!!!? My mother says "They'll pay for it..maybe not here but in another place."


Unbelievable. She really doesn't get it or care to get it.

On a better is Jeff's birthday. I can't believe he's 36!!

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