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Journals I Kept As A Kid

2001-12-13 - 10:29 p.m.

I wonder if maybe this journal, or just random thinking back on my youth has got me thinking about old journals I kept over the years. I've kept both of them, and have glanced over them at various times. They were both ones you buy in a store and write in. One I started when my handwriting was legible but from the looks of it, I didn't give a damn how legible it was. My other journal I cared how my handwriting looked, but didn't write in it as much as the other.

I can remember writing in them and writing certain things that at the time I thought I'd remember forever. Like my opinion of teachers, what they looked like, what stood out about them and what I had them for. Most of those details I can still remember, but the other details, like why that teacher ticked me off on a certain day, what they were wore that at the time I found to be hideous. Or in other entries where I would write about what an episode of a tv show was about, and my opinions of my favorite actors or actress. At the time I wrote them, they were very vivid in my mind but now when I look over the words I wrote so long ago, I'm reminded of those things.

Would I have remembered these things if I hadn't written them down?? I don't think so. Some of the things I wrote I laugh about. Like when I had a crush on this guy and a friend of mine came to me and said the guy liked her and asked her out. I wrote that I was wondering if it was true and if I'd ever find out. I included the line "Maybe I'll find out years from now when I don't really care either way." And sure enough several years later I found out the truth. The crush I had on the guy faded, the friendship with the girl was still somewhat going, and I found out that he didn't have the crush on her. He didn't even like her. I enjoyed finding out, if for no other reason then just to know, but I didn't really care anymore if he did or didn't.

I read over those entries and think to myself "Oh my God, how could I forget that??" and so many memories surrounding that entry come rushing into my head, like what I was thinking while writing that entry, where I was, and what else was going on.

I hope this journal lasts longer than the others. Sometimes weeks and months would pass before I would add another entry in those other journals. I feel a lot more dedicated to this one and I hope that feeling lasts. With the others I got tired of writing, my hand would cramp up, and I was always worried about someone reading it. Both things that would lower my dedication to keeping them going. Good thing I decided not to go advertising this one to everyone I know. :))

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