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A Nice Long Rant

Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 - 8:15 p.m.

Okay I'm really pissed off for multiple reasons and I'm going to let it all come out in this get ready.

For starters..I hate 90% of my relatives. The percentage is probably higher but I don't know all of them so I can't really say for sure yet. I think I should rename Cousin Bimbo. Perhaps I should call her Cousin Dumb Bitch. The name would definitely seem to fit better. I've mentioned numerous times how she's the prime candidate to win "Worst Mother Of The Year" award, well now she ignores her 2 year old daughter 24/7 while she's living in the same house with her and her parents. Cousin Bimbo has moved back in with her parents for about the 30th time. Gee let's all take a guess on how long it will take before they kick her out AGAIN. Cousin Bimbo has given up custody of her son to her ex husband, has given up on her 2 year old girl with her sometimes husband, sometimes soon to be ex husband, the part time husband has pretty much given up on the girl and now Cousin Bimbo's mother has about given up. So who wants the little girl?? NO ONE!!!! Not a single one of them. How sickening is that?? Why do people have kids if they are just going to throw them away like a used paper towel??

Oh and who is encouraging Cousin Bimbo's mother to give up the little girl, put her into foster care without a second thought?? My own know the one who I have been told repeatedly by a couple sources does NOT want to be a grandmother. Cousin Bimbo's mother is about the only one who really gives a damn about that little girl but she's not sure she can raise another child. Well I do have to kinda agree..she did a wonderful job fucking up the 2 kids she gave birth to...but come on. She's the only one who cares enough to spend time with the girl and take care of her. I can see what's going to happen. That little girl is going to either 1) bounce around foster homes, staying just long to get attached then yanked and thrown into another one, 2) be the potato in the hot potato game with her parents and grandmother, 3) be in juvenile court by the time she's 10. Take your pick. Why oh why can't Congress do something useful and pass a law requiring people to have to get licensed before they bring a child into this world??

Oh and guess what..I've got other relatives to bitch about. My father's sister..Loopy. That name fits her SOOO well. She told me awhile back when I was drafted into talking to her that she wanted me to call we can talk about our little "secret club for just the 2 of us" and about our soaps. Actually the secret little club is to compare notes on our mother in laws. Yeah that's just what I want to do..spend 10 cents a minute to talk about my mother in law. Hell..I got to do that in counseling for 9 months..why the hell do I want to do that over the phone to a woman I don't even like??

To make things more wonderful..(note the sarcasm)..Loopy decides to fuss on me for not calling her. Well EXCUUUUUUUSE me but quite frankly I don't like you!! I think you're a pain in the ass bitch who was cruel and just play horrible to my grandmother every chance you got while she was alive and to be honest, I'd rather have a pap smear once a month for the rest of my life than talk on the phone with you!!

Oh and let's not leave out my father..the man who insists on blaming me for every single thing that goes wrong with the computer. Although I must point out that between Dec21 and myself, we fix that damn thing 99.9% of the time!!!!! Yeah sure dad..I break the computer, just so you will yell and we can take time out from our day to fix it while you figure out what to blame me for next in between your moments of forgetting I even exist. While we're on the subject of my father's computer..may I just say..that computer sucks!! It freezes up every 5 minutes and has to be rebooted. I swear sometimes I feel like I'd rather just go out and buy them a new one then deal with the one they've got a second longer.

And yes I'm going to also rant a bit about my 99% of the time sweet wonderful hubby. He loves to wash my hair..I however consider it to be a pain to do sometimes so I gladly let him do it. He is rinsing it and without even checking the damn water (he honestly ASSUMED the water was the right temperature) he pours scalding hot water over me..not once but TWICE!!! The first time I gasped, yelled for about 2 seconds yet crazily (is that a word??) let him do it again and he burned me what do I do?? I gasp and get ready to really yell..and HE runs out into the living room and hides out there for 3 hours. Avoiding my wrath perhaps?? Well he claims he felt like he was screwing up and wasn't doing anything right. Now I wouldn't go that far at all..but damn I was really pissed...but to be honest, it pissed me off more than he ran out of the room with my hair not quite rinsed and wouldn't let me get out the yelling for being burned twice out of my system.

Dec21 came to bed finally and I was either half asleep or I just completely forgot him apologizing because I was still a bit pissed when I got up this morning. It didn't help that Dec21 went on this little speech last night that in HIS opinion cats are not nearly as loyal as dogs. So here I was..pissed off, edgy and just about ready to go off. It didn't help that he was also a bit moody and he just kept pissing me off left and right. It seemed anything I asked he would either refuse, ignore or throw some condesending comment at me. I yelled a bit, he yelled less but mostly just kept throwing those damn comments at me, including the extremely annoying "yes dear, yes dear" at me. Oohh I wanted to kick the windshield out of the damn car!! I wanted to go shopping for my father for Christmas..yet Dec21 didn't want to go right then but refused to say when he would go. Finally after about 10 minutes of going around and around he finally said after a show he's seen 2,000 times went off. Well I kept getting more pissed didn't help that I couldn't remember him apologizing earlier at the time.

Well we go to the library. I ask him to recheck out some movies I checked back out. He said he would..and stupid ole me assumed he'd be back to the car in about 2 minutes. Well 2 minutes go by..then 2 more..and more and more and more..finally after about 20 minutes I go into the library where he was sitting look for a book to read. We won't mention the fact that I just bought him a damn book he really wanted about a month ago that he doesn't even know where is. I also found out he didn't even recheck out the movies for me so at this point..I'm ready to cause a scene at the library..however I don't..but it was more tempting by the minute.

I go and recheck out the movies myself and looking around the library wanting to just go off but I can't. Unfortunately I'm one of these nerds or whatever who like going to the library and taking full advantage of the freeness (if that's a word) of the place. I find a movie to check out and I started thinking of other things I've bought Dec21 that he doesn't use for more than 2 seconds. Granted the list isn't long but it was enough to get me on another bitching. Well he got pissed, handed me the card and the movie and said he was going outside. I call out to him but he ignores me. At that point I could have rammed my hand thru a fucking window and not even cared about the pain it would have caused my hand..more like I would have bitched about having to pay the library to get a new window.

I go to the car, get in and the bitching starts more. Well we go to the place we were planning to go when this little trip started and the damn place had gone out of business. Great..just great. That caused another little disagreement because he was SO sure it had gone out of business but I thought I had seen the place open just a couple days ago. Well I was wrong..something that does happen believe it or not. Dec21 and I get home..I refuse to give him the keys so he has 2 choices..sit in the car with me and talk things out or wait outside in the rain. Being the smart guy that he is he stayed in the car. took about an hour of some yelling, some crying and a couple times of grinding my leg against the windshield coming close to pushing against it more to knock it out for us to finally talk and make up. Actually we stopped bitching during that time and really made up a little while later. He apologized a lot..actually more times than I did and he should..I was right!!

And I'd like to point out that I didn't completely lose my temper and have a full blown outburst. My counselor would be SO proud. Seriously though..this is like the once a year fight that he and I have. We have like one big fight a year that is usually resolved the same day. Personally..I think I won this one.

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