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Not So Great Update On My GodFather

Monday, Mar. 01, 2004 - 9:25 p.m.

Well the surgery for my godfather today was cancelled. The cancer has spread and the good part of it has serolisis or soething like that. I can't spell it. But basically all they can do is send him home, make him comfortable, put him to sleep with a bunch of pain medicine and wait for him to die in about 4-6 weeks.


This really sucks!! I wish I could do something but I can't. I want to tell my godmother and their daughter how sorry I am and if there's anything I can do and offer a hug. But I'm scared to face them. I'm scared of saying the wrong thing or not saying enough. I want to see my godfather before he dies..but the fears of what to say and what not to say or how to act are in my head. I wish I knew what to do.

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